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David Bauer edited this page Dec 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Name format


But "valid" (as in in use by us) is the following:


# easier:
  • A ([0-9]): Major Version
    • Normally rolled over when minor version exceeds a 9
  • B ([0-9]): Minor Version
    • Indicates the Gluon major release
    • Stable builds: even B, followed by C
    • Testing builds: odd B, followed by D
  • C: Patch Version
    • Present for builds from a stable release
    • Incremented for each subsequent release of the same major version
  • D ([0-9]{8}): build date in the YYYYMMDD format
    • Indicates the build-date of a non-release version
    • Testing and automatic CI builds
  • E ([0-9a-z]{7}): site Commit ID
    • Appended for automatic CI builds


Stable: 2.6.0 Testing: 2.7~20231203 CI-Build: 2.7~20231205-137b2f9