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Extended Functionality

Andrew J. Gillis edited this page Jun 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

Extended Subscriber Black/White Listing

Nexus extends WAMP's subscriber black/white listing functionality to support filtering on any attribute in the subscriber session details.

WAMP allows blacklisting authid and authrole using exclude_authid and exclude_authrole, and allows whitelisting these attributes using eligible_authid and eligible_authrole. Nexus recognizes the publish options exclude_xxx and eligible_xxx, accompanied with a list of string values to match against, where xxx is he name of any attribute in the session details.

As an example, to allow sessions with org_id=ycorp or org_id=zcorp, a PUBLISH message specifies the following option:

eligible_org_id: ["ycorp", "zcorp"]

Note: Nexus includes all attributes from the HELLO message in the session details.

Extended Session Meta API

Nexus extends the session meta API to provide additional information.

Normally, the wamp.session.on_join meta event message and the response to a wamp.session.get meta procedure includes the session details specified by the WAMP specification (session, authid, authrole, authmethod, authprovider, transport). Nexus includes these details, and by default, includes all all session details, including values the caller supplied in the HELLO message. This allows clients to provide more information about themselves, via HELLO, that may then be used by other sessions to make decisions about who to send messages to.

There is an option to be more strict about what gets put into session meta details, should you want to limit what details are exposed by the session meta API. The MetaStrict flag in the RealmConfig allows the router operator to restrict the session details provided by meta API.