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Curburger is configurable instance based User-Agent providing get/post requests using curb.


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Curburger - custom User-Agent

Curburger is configurable instance based User-Agent providing get/post requests using curb.

Configurable features:

  • user-agent string settings
  • per-instance proxy configuration
  • enable cookies per-instance
  • disable following of Location: in HTTP response header
  • request connection timeout
  • request timeout
  • number of attempts for each request
    • default instance configuration to retry 4XX/5XX responses
  • random sleep time before retrying failed request
  • per-instance request count per time period limitation
  • default instance http authentication
  • default instance SSL certificate verification
  • default instance option to determine whether to ignore signal-based exceptions


require 'curburger'

Instance options:

c ={:opt => val})
  • logging - logging via GLogg (default true); with logging disabled only errors/warnings are printed to STDERR
    • to completely disable logging leave logging=true and configure GLogg verbosity to GLogg::L_NIL

        GLogg.ini(nil, GLogg::L_NIL)
  • user_agent - redefine instance user_agent string (default is set by curb)
  • http_proxy - set instance proxy url (default nil)
  • cookies - enable cookies for this instance (default false)
  • http_auth - default instance http authentication credentials sent with requests (hash with keys user, password, default {})
  • follow_loc - follow Location: in HTTP response header (default true)
  • verify_ssl - whether to verify SSL certificates (default true)
  • retry_45 - whether to retry 4XX/5XX responses (default false)
  • ignore_kill - how to handle exceptions based on signaling
    • before 0.2.2 all exceptions were handled generally during requests
      • when f.ex. Ctrl-c was pressed during the request, interruption exception rose, followed by Curl::Err::MultiBadEasyHandle: Invalid easy handle exceptions on retries
      • all these failures were uselessly retried as the Curl handle became invalid with no useful result anyway and all following requests with the same instance would fail as well
    • since 0.2.2 these interruption (and "Invalid easy handle") exceptions are recognized and handled based on ignore_kill option:
      • false (default) - do not retry at all and immediately return the result hash with :error key set
      • true - reinitialize Curl handle and keep going, retry the current attempt not counting it
  • req_ctimeout - connection timeout for the requests (default 10)
    • this is the timeout for the connection to be established, not the timeout for the whole request & reply
  • req_timeout - request timeout (default 20)
  • req_attempts - number of attempts for the request (default 3)
  • req_retry_wait - maximal count of seconds to sleep before retrying failed request (defalut 0, disabled)
    • e.g. 10 = sleep random 1-10 seconds before retrying failed request
  • req_norecode - do not recode request results (default false)
  • req_enc_ignore_illegal - ignore illegal bytes during request result recode (default false)
  • req_limit - limit number of successful requests per req_time_range time period (default nil)
  • req_time_range - set requests limit time period in seconds
  • resolve_mode - override resolving mode (default :ipv4)
    • possible options: :auto, :ipv4, :ipv6
    • curl default :auto may generate frequent Curl::Err::HostResolutionError errors for ipv4 only machine therefore Curburger uses :ipv4 as default

Instance methods:

  • user_agent
  • user_agent=
    • get/set currently configured instance user_agent
  • http_auth
  • http_auth=
    • get/set default authentication credentials (nil clears the settings)

Available request methods:

Available request methods:

  • head
  • get
  • post
  • put
  • delete

Request methods return hash with following keys/values:

  • :content - content of the response
    • header hash for head request (decoded by headers method)
    • recoded to UTF-8 if original encoding is successfully guessed and recoding went without error, byte encoded original otherwise (for more info refer to Curburger::Recode.recode)
  • :ctype - appropriate response HTTP header value (empty string if missing)
  • :last_url - last effective url of the request (to recognize redirections)
  • :attempts - count of spent request attempts
  • :responses - array [[status, time]] of all attempts
  • :time - total processing time rounded to 6 decimal places
  • :error - defined only in case of error: the last error is stored here

Reqeust options:

Request methods support following optional parameters:

  • user
  • password - credentials for basic HTTP authentication (override instance http_auth for this request, default nil)
  • follow_loc - redefine instance follow_loc for this request
  • verify_ssl - redefine instance verify_ssl for this request
  • retry_45 - redefine instance retry_45 for this request
  • ignore_kill - redefine instance ignore_kill for this request
  • ctimeout - redefine instance req_ctimeout for this request
  • timeout - redefine instance req_timeout for this request
  • attempts - redefine instance req_attempts for this request
  • retry_wait - redefine instance req_retry_wait for this request
  • norecode - redefine instance req_norecode for this request
  • encoding - force encoding for the response body (default nil)
  • enc_ignore_illegal - redefine instance req_enc_ignore_illegal for this request
    • force_ignore still working as alias for this parameter
  • cookies - set additional cookies for the request ( default nil)
    • these are just passed to curl instance, therefore string in format "name1=content1; name2=content;"
  • headers - add custom HTTP headers to the request ( default {})
  • optional block given:
    • relevant only in case of enabled request per time period limitation
    • request method yields to execute the block before sleeping if the reqeust limit was reached


result = c.head(url, {opts}) { optional block ... }


result = c.get(url, {opts}) { optional block ... }
  • since 0.2.6 the data can be posted in GET request using opts[:data]
    • opts[:data] is the same as data for POST/PUT/DELETE described below
    • optional content_type option can be used as well


result =, data, {opts}) { optional block ... }
result = c.put(url, data, {opts}) { optional block ... }
result = c.delete(url, data=nil, {opts}) { optional block ... }
  • data parameter is expected in String scalar or Hash of {parameter => value}
    • posted direcly in case of String scalar
    • url-encoded and assembled to scalar in case of Hash
    • example: 'param1=value1&param2=value2' or {:param1=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2'}
  • optional content_type option overrides default application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type HTTP POST header


To obtain headers of the last reply parsed into Hash use headers instance method

headers = c.headers
  • the first line (status line) is stored in Status key of the returned Hash
  • multivalue headers are stored in an Array


To reinitialize curl instance (cookies are flushed as well):



  • 0.2.8: migration from iconv to encode, force_ignore renamed to enc_ignore_illegal with instance version of this parameter
  • 0.2.7: bugfix, curb 0.8 required in gemspec
  • 0.2.6: instance/request norecode options, GET payload
  • 0.2.5: reset method (reinitialize curl instance)
  • 0.2.4: removal of 'Expect' HTTP header by default
  • 0.2.3: hide iconv deprecation warning
  • 0.2.2: instance/request ignore_kill options
  • 0.2.1: rescue 'ArgumentError: unknown encoding name' in Curburger::Recode
  • 0.2.0: request methods return hash
  • 0.1.8: user_agent and user_agent= get/set methods
  • 0.1.7: instance/request retry_45 options
  • 0.1.6: instance/request verify_ssl options
  • 0.1.5: empty string content_type returned from requests in case of missing Content-Type HTTP header
  • 0.1.4: optional post data in DELETE request, bugfix
  • 0.1.3: default instance http authentication
  • 0.1.2: :cookies option to set additional cookies for requests
  • 0.1.1: :follow_loc option for requests; HEAD, PUT, DELETE requests
  • 0.1.0: :headers option for custom headers in requests
  • 0.0.9: :resolve_mode instance option
  • 0.0.8: removed "require 'bundler/setup'" statements
  • 0.0.7: headers instance method
  • 0.0.6: last_url part in request return array
  • 0.0.5: :force_ignore option for requests
  • 0.0.4: :content_type option for POST requests
  • 0.0.3: request timeout added (previously only connect timeout)
  • 0.0.2: option for random sleep time before retrying failed request
  • 0.0.1: first revision


Curburger is copyright (c)2011 Jiri Nemecek, and released under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for the gory details.


Curburger is configurable instance based User-Agent providing get/post requests using curb.







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