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ghantoos edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

To install lshell, 3 options are available:

Install using the

This method uses uses python distutils to install everything in the right place.

  • Extract the files:
tar xvfz lshell.tar.gz
  • Then install lshell using the
sudo python install

python install --no-compile --install-data=/usr/{pkg,local}/ 

Note that lshell is available though NetBSD's pkgsrc in shells/lshell but the version may not be the most recent.

Install the rpm package

The Red Hat way:

# rpm -Uvh lshell-x.x-x.noarch.rpm

The provided RPM was built using CentOS5 and python2.4. If it is not compatible with your Red Hat based distribution, you can rebuild your own RPM using the lshell's SPEC file.

Install the deb package

The Debian way:

# dpkg -i lshell_x.x-x_i386.deb

As lshell is now available in the official debian repositories, you can install it using the following:

# apt-get install lshell
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