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MTRX2700 Major Project

Group 7


  1. Andrei Agnew
  2. Daniel Miu
  3. Mary Khreich
  4. Minghan Li
  5. Xuechi Xiang
  6. Barcodeless Scanning

    To create a more futuristic supermarket experience, we have designed a barcodeless scanning checkout system that utilises object detection to add products to a customers’ receipt rather than scanning a barcode. There are two main modules that our system can be broken down into: the hardware system and the user interface.

    The hardware system uses a Lidar sensor to scan an object from a fixed distance, compare the scan to pre-set data to determine the objects nature, and communicate this information to the user interface.

    The user interface emulates a checkout register in that it shows a list of items that have been scanned, the quantity of each, and their price. The UI will repeatedly call for an item to scan until the customer chooses to checkout.

    Modules for the System


    In terms of scanning process, the laser scanner would scan the object 5 time in both forward and backword directions. The scanned data would be stored in a text(.txt)file. Then a machine learning model would check that data and returns information of the object. UI module would print details of scanned object (names, price, etc.). Then the text file which stores old data would be cleared. Waiting for next scanned data.

    Machine learning model consists of 3 parts: Database, Naive Bayes Model and Stratified 10 fold cross-validation.

    • Database would store a large quantity of data. The these datasets would be used to train the machine learning model. It contains horizontal scanning result for mulitple objects (coffee cup, box, etc) with 50 datasets for each object.

    • Naive Bayes model could evaluate how close does a scanned dataset to a sample in database​. A probablity density function would be used to implement this. If the possibility of scanned data to be an object recorded in database is high enough. Then the model would match the dataset with the object.

    • Stratified 10 fold cross-validation is a method which calculates the accuracy of machine learning models. Procedures are given below: Provided that there are N datasets(D1,D2,…,Dn), we ignore the first dataset and use remaining data Repeat Step 1 for D2, D3,…,Dn. Stop until all datasets are tested Calculate average accuracy.


    The UI is created in python with the tkinter module. It essentially forms the core of this project as it sends the scan command to the dragon board, receives information about the detected object and outputs it in the form as a receipt. It also allows for the final checkout button, where the full receipt will be printed and an exit button is included to exit the program.

    Firstly, when the Scan button is pressed, serial data is sent to the Dragonboard. When a carriage return byte is read from serial, the Dragonboard begins scanning the object in front of it, and outputting this data to serial. The UI reads this data, and writes to "detected.csv" until a terminating "END" message is received via serial from the board. When this message is received, the UI knows that all scans have been performed, and can move onto detection.

    Detailed Description

    • The window is created using tkinters tk function to display the root window

      • This window is then customisable to our needs.
      • This customisation includes the screen width/height, the background colour, the layout of the screen, and widgets included
    • For this UI, we only require a label for the title (being check), a table that keep tracks of the item detected for checkout, and 2 buttons for scanning and checkout

    • Scan button sends a character to the serial port for the dragonboard to detect, in which will trigger the scanning process for the object detection function to use and determine what object is detected.

      • After the object detection function determines what object is detected, this will be returned and used to populate the receipt table
      • In which we can determine whether it is an unique item (item that hasn't been detected), or another quantity of an past item
    • The checkout button will create a popup window that displays the full receipt of items scanned, and include an exit button where it'll exit the program.


MTRX2700 Major Project (Assignment 3)






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