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Repository files navigation


Clone git repository

git clone

Install vendors

composer install --prefer-dist

Run install command

app/console oro:install --env=dev --user-name=admin [email protected] --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --sample-data=n --force

app/console oro:install --env=test --user-name=admin [email protected] --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --sample-data=n

используй бд с другим именем, например orocrm_test

после этого запусти

app/console doctrine:fixture:load --no-debug --append --no-interaction --env=test --fixtures vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/src/Oro/Bundle/TestFrameworkBundle/Fixtures

Create virtual host

Setup PHPStorm

  1. Configure PHP (Settings > PHP)
  2. Configure tests (Edit configuration > Defaults > PHPUnit)
  3. Exclude app/cache

See detailed information

Add Acme as submodule

git submodule add src/Acme

Create new bundle

  1. Add submodule git submodule add src/Acme
  2. Create bundle class Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\AcmeTaskBundle
  3. Create extension class Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\DependencyInjection\AcmeTaskExtension
  4. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/services.yml
  5. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/translations/messages.en.yml

Register bundle

Create Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/oro/bundles.yml

    - Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\AcmeTaskBundle

Update cache:

app/console cache:clear

Create entities

  1. Create Task entity (id, title, description, related contact, status, assignee, owner, created at, updated at)
  2. Create TaskStatus entity (name, label)
  3. Create data fixture for statuses (open, closed, in progress)
  4. Update database schema
app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  1. Load fixtures of statuses
app/console doctrine:fixture:load --fixtures src/Acme/src/Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/DataFixtures/ --append

Grid tasks list

  1. Add grid config Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/datagrid.yml
  2. Add controller class Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Controller\TaskController
  3. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/oro/routing.yml
  4. Add template Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/index.html.twig
  5. Demonstrate tasks grid

Create/update task form

  1. Create form type Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Form\Type\TaskType (title, status, description, assignee, owner)
  2. Create Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
  3. Create controller actions
  4. Add create button to template Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/index.html.twig
  5. Create template Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/update.html.twig
  6. Demonstrate create/edit task
  7. Add task view page

Create view task page

  1. Add controller action
  2. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/view.html.twig

Add actions to grid

  1. Add actions
  2. Add properties

Navigation menu

  1. Add "Acme" and "Tasks" items into application menu
  2. Add "Show tasks list" and "Create new task" items into shortcuts

Navigation titles

  1. Add oro_titles with titles for index, create, view, update
  2. Run app/console oro:navigation:init
  3. Add oro_title_set to Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/index.html.twig
  4. Add oro_title_set to Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/view.html.twig
  5. Add oro_title_set to Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/update.html.twig


  1. Add annotation to Task @Config( defaultValues={ "ownership"={ "owner_type"="USER", "owner_field_name"="owner", "owner_column_name"="owner_id" }, "security"={ "type"="ACL" } } )
  2. Run command app/console oro:entity-config:update
  3. Remove owner from form type as it's automatically added
  4. Remove owner validation.yml as this constraint is embedded in field that automatically added
  5. Add ACL annotations to TaskController
  6. Go to roles and check Task entity
  7. Change VIEW permission in Administrator role for Task from System to User and check how grid automatically protects users, change VIEW to System again
  8. Change EDIT permission in Administrator role for Task from System to User and check permission error when you click on edit users
  9. Add ACL annotations to datagrid.yml
  10. Go to Task that is not with your owner and click edit to show permission error
  11. Add ACL checks to templates


  1. Add search.yml
  2. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/searchResult.html.twig
  3. Demonstrate search


  1. Add formatting of owner and assignee name on the task view
  2. Add formatting of created at/updated at the task search result
  3. Show other twig function for formatting: oro_format_address, oro_format_datetime, oro_format_date, oro_format_time, oro_format_name, oro_format_number, oro_format_currency, oro_format_decimal, oro_format_percent, oro_format_spellout, oro_format_duration, oro_format_ordinal


  1. Add Loggable annotation to Task and "dataaudit"={"auditable"=true}
  2. Add to Task fields
    • @Oro\Versioned
    • @ConfigField(defaultValues={"dataaudit"={"auditable"=true}})
  3. Run commands to update config cache:clear oro:entity-config:init oro:entity-config:update
  4. Demonstrate how auditable works

Rest API

  1. Add JMS annotations to Task
  2. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Controller/Api/Rest/TaskController
  3. Run cache:clear to warmup Acl annotations
  4. Update Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/oro/routing.yml with api
  5. Check http://orocrm-training.local/app_dev.php/api/doc/ and demonstrate how it works
  6. Add delete_link property and delete action to datagrid.yml
  7. Add delete button to task view


  1. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration
  2. Update Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\DependencyInjection\AcmeTaskExtension
  3. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/system_configuration.yml
  4. Go to System -> Configuration and check new settings


  1. Update cron in OS sudo crontab -e */1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/app/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null
  2. Update messages.en.yml
  3. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Entity\Repository\TaskRepository and update Task entity Entity annotation
  4. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Model\Statistics
  5. Update services.yml with acme_task.statistics service
  6. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Command\SendStatisticsCommand
  7. Add AcmeTaskBundle:Task:statisticsMail.txt.twig
  8. Go to System -> Job Queue and check job executions


  1. Configure SMPT
  2. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/entity_output.yml with data of Task entity
  3. Add template to Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/DataFixtures/data/email/create_task.html.twig
  4. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadEmailTemplates
  5. Update @ConfigField in Task to support "email"={"available_in_template"=true}
  6. Load email templates app/console doctrine:fixture:load --append --fixtures src/OroAcme/src/Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/
  7. Go to System -> Emails -> Templates and check created template
  8. Go to System -> Notification -> Create notification rule
  9. Create task and check email

Sidebar Widgets

  1. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/public/sidebar_widgets/assigned_tasks/widget.yml
  2. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/public/sidebar_widgets/assigned_tasks/js/widget.js
  3. Add requirejs.yml
  4. Run commands cache:clear oro:requirejs:build
  5. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/translations/jsmessages.en.yml
  6. Add
  7. Update app/config.yml fos_js_routing: routes_to_expose: [oro_, acme_]
  8. Run commands app/console fos:js-routing:dump --target web/js/routes.js app/console cache:clear
  9. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/public/css/acme.less
  10. Run commands app/console assetic:dump
  11. Update TaskController, add method getAssignedTasksAction

Entity Extend

  1. Add extend ExtendTask
  2. Create string field
  3. Check datagrid, it should have a new column
  4. Update Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/update.html.twig and check edit form
  5. Update Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/view.html.twig and check view page

Extending User view - adding assigned tasks

  1. Update Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/datagrid.yml and add acme_task_assigned_tasks_grid
  2. Add placeholder in Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/placeholders.yml
  3. Run command cache:clear
  4. Add template Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/assignedTasks.html.twig with content of placeholder 5 Add controller action Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Controller/TaskController::assignedTasks
  5. Add template Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/widget/assignedTasks.html.twig with content widget
  6. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\EventListener\Datagrid\AssignedTasksListener and update services.yml
  7. Demonstrate grid

Extending User view - adding create task button

  1. Add Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Twig\AcmeTaskExtension and update services.yml
  2. Update Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/config/placeholders.yml with placeholder of create buttons
  3. Run command cache:clear
  4. Add Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Resources/views/Task/createUserTaskButton.html.twig
  5. Update action Acme/Bundle/TaskBundle/Controller/TaskController::createAction to use assigneeId

Questions and notes.


  1. Do we need to execute command php app/console init:acl (
  2. What do we support "
  • Class-Scope: Allows to set permissions for all objects with the same type.
  • Object-Scope: Allows to set permissions for one specific object.
  • Class-Field-Scope: Allows to set permissions for all objects with the same type, but only to a specific field of the objects.
  • Object-Field-Scope: Allows to set permissions for a specific object, and only to a specific field of that object. "
  1. What is the difference created in BU and assigned to BU?
  2. Business Unit ownersip type invalid image Mike was create Account C and make Second BU as owner, Robert was create Account D and make Child BU as owner
  3. All records in datagrids automatically protect with access levels?
  4. entity: AcmeBundle:AcmeEntity Entity:AcmeBundle:SomeEntity
  5. After the setting new ACL permissions to an object, the changes must be saved. It can be done with flush function
  6. "permissions"="VIEW;EDIT"
  7. @Acl annotations only on controllers?

bindings: - { class: someClass, method: someMethod} 11. Is it required to set id and where it's used?7

 * @Acl(
 *      id="acme_task_view",
 *      type="entity",
 *      class="AcmeTaskBundle:Task",
 *      permission="VIEW"
 * )
  1. After annotations are added do we need to execute any command?
  2. Ownership is required in most cases?
  3. Can ownership be changed by other bundle?
  4. Flush is required after changing acl permission is it means that ACL works using Doctrine (in Symfony's original ACL they use PDO directly)
  5. acl_resource in grid?


  1. Why we need all_data in target fields?
  2. How search works


  1. Translation issues, for example OroUser:User:index.html.twig when using addButton
  2. Translation of entities is not convenient and will not work in all languages: 'Update'|trans ~ ' ' ~ 'oro.user.grouAclManagerp.entity_label'|trans 'New'|trans ~ ' ' ~ ''|trans


  1. If "search_template" option is missing error occurred An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Trying to access not existing parameter: "template"") in OroSearchBundle:Search:searchResults.html.twig at line 49.
  2. If "title_fields" is empty error displayed on search result page: Catchable fatal error: Object of class Acme\Bundle\TaskBundle\Entity\Task could not be converted to string in /home/ignat/dev/orocrm-training/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/SearchBundle/EventListener/PrepareResultItemListener.php on line 134
  3. Search.yml files are not validated


  1. Run daemon in UI?
  2. Updating cron schedule of command is not supported?
  3. Command to run cron in bash in invalid?


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