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JavaScript Beginner Course

Get Started with JavaScript in 2 Hours 🔥

Welcome my friends to this JavaScript For Beginners course that I am super excited to have live on the YouTube channel!

This beginner course is suitable for you if:

✅ You have no experience with JavaScript and want to get started
✅ Have dabbled with JavaScript but want to improve your foundational understanding
✅ Want to feel confident and comfortable coding in the JavaScript ecosystem
✅ Set yourself up with the skills and knowledge you need to eventually become a JavaScript master

The course is self is specifically designed to be easy and efficient, and saves you from spending 10+ hours just to learn the basics and get up and running. We achieve this by following a curriculum teaches you the 20% of material that does 80% of the leg work, so you can start coding in JavaScript as soon as possible!

If you enjoy the course, be sure to check out the full version which contains 9 hours of material, numerous practice questions and examples, and also 5 unique and exciting portfolio projects.

How to Begin

You can get started with this course totally for free by click the YouTube link below ⬇️

To complete the course, you need not have any experience with JavaScript. We start from the very beginnering.

It is recommend that you download the JavaScript curriculum file which can be found here.

The JavaScript Beginner Course Curriculum

As mentioned above, this curriculum is designed to teach you all the foundational concepts and knowledge you need to start your journey to becoming a JavaScript pro.

1.0 Introduction

  • What is JavaScript and how does it work?
  • Install VSCode
  • Install NodeJS

2.0 Node Commands in Terminal

  • Opening the Terminal: Use (Ctrl + `) to open the terminal.
  • Running a File
  • Killing a File

3.0 Variables

  • Hello World
  • Using console.log()
  • Variables
  • Code Comments
  • Assignment by Reference

4.0 Data Types (Initialization / Reading / Writing)

  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Null
  • Undefined
  • Booleans (true/false)

5.0 Recap

6.0 Logic and Operators

  • Operators: +, -, /, %
  • Logical Operators: ||, &&
  • typeof Operator

7.0 Conditional Statements

  • If-Else Statements

8.0 Loops

  • While Loop
  • For Loop
  • Continue & Break Statements

9.0 Functions

  • Creating a Function
  • Invoking a Function
  • Return Statement
  • Default Parameters
  • Arrow Functions

If you enjoy the course, be sure to ⭐️ star the repo!

