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Codebase accompanying the paper "Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models"

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Diagnosinng and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models

This is the codebase accompanying the paper "Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models" accepted to TMLR in July 2022. Here we discuss how to run the experiments in the paper and give a general overview of the codebase.

We hope that the community will more broadly benefit from the large number of deep generative models implemented in this codebase.


The main prerequisite is to set up the python environment. The command

conda env create -f env-lock.yml

will create a conda environment called two-step. Launch this environment using the command

conda activate two-step

before running any experiments.

The file env-lock.yml contains strict versions of each of the packages. If conda is not used, or some of the versions in env-lock.yml are no longer supported, we also provide a file env-packages.yml that simply lists the packages we used. However, there are no guarantees that this will work out-of-the-box.

Usage -

The main script for running experiments is unsurprisingly This script runs two-step experiments, wherein a Generalized Autoencoder (GAE) is trained to embed the data in some lower-dimensional space, and a Density Estimator (DE) is trained to estimate the density of these embeddings. The basic usage is as follows:

./ --dataset <dataset> --gae-model <gae-model> --de-model <de-model>


  • <dataset> is the dataset
    • The paper contains experiments with mnist, fashion-mnist, svhn, and cifar10
  • <gae-model> is the generalized autoencoder
    • Currently, we support any of the following: ae, avb, bigan, vae, and wae
  • <de-model> is the density estimator
    • Currently, we support any of the following: arm, avb, ebm, flow, and vae

Worth noting as well that the --test-ood flag is required if a test of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is meant to be run.

Dynamic Updating of Config Values

Model and training hyperparameters are loaded from the config files in the directory config at runtime. However, it is also possible to update the hyperparameters on the command line using any of the flags --shared-config (for shared hyperparameters), --gae-config (for GAE hyperparameters), and/or --de-config (for DE hyperparameters). For each hyperparameter <key> that one wants to set to a new value <value>, given one of the config flags above as --<flag>, add the following to the command line:

--<flag> <key>=<value>

We can do this multiple times for multiple configs. In particular, say we want to change the run directory to new_runs, we want to change the DE optimizer to SGD with learning rate 0.01, and we want to change the GAE latent dimension to 5. The options to do this would appear as follows:

--shared-config logdir_root=new_runs --de-config optimizer=sgd --de-config lr=0.01 --gae-config latent_dim=5

A full list of config values is visible in the respective files in the config directory.

Run Directories

By default, the main command above will create a directory of the form runs/<date>_<hh>-<mm>-<ss>, e.g. Apr26_09-38-37, to store information about the run, including:

  • torch model checkpoints
  • Experiment metrics / results as json
  • tensorboard files
  • Config files as json
  • stderr / stdout logs

We provide the ability to reload a saved run with run directory <dir> via the command:

./ --load-dir <dir>

which will restart the training of the model (if not completed) and then perform testing.

Adding the flag --load-best-valid-first attempts to load best_valid checkpoints saved by early stopping before loading the latest checkpoints (loading latest is default behaviour).

Furthermore, adding --max-epochs-loaded (resp. --max-epochs-loaded-gae, --max-epochs-loaded-de) to the command with some integer argument changes the maximum number of epochs of shared (resp. GAE, DE) training; this may be useful if a loaded model has already hit the originally-specified maximum number of epochs but further training is desired.

The flag --only-test is also available here and only performs testing on the loaded model, no training. This is useful for post hoc testing of metrics not included on the original run, such as OOD detection (as indicated by the --test-ood flag).

Inspecting Results with Tensorboard

Assuming runs are being stored in the default directory, some training curves and additional model samples can be viewed via tensorboard using the command

tensorboard --logdir runs

Tensorboard also shows the config used to produce each run.

Loading Pretrained GAEs

It is possible to load pretrained GAE models (trained using; details below) and then train a density estimator on the embeddings from this pretrained GAE, with the option to further train the weights of the GAE. Assuming the pretrained GAE has run directory runs/<gae-dir>, this can be accomplished via:

./ --load-dir runs/<gae-dir> --de-model <de> --load-pretrained-gae

where <de> is any of the DE models listed above.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The pretrained GAE must have been trained with the --is-gae flag if initially run by so that the command in this section properly picks up the config gae_config.json.

We also often use the following tags described below:

  • --load-best-valid-first: Attempt to load the best_valid checkpoint from early stopping before the latest checkpoint.
  • --freeze-pretrained-gae: Freeze the weights of the pretrained GAE, i.e. do not train the pretrained GAE further.


In this section we give a brief overview of the available metrics, which are specified in two_step_zoo/evaluators/ The following choices are available:

  • fid: For all modules which are generative models
  • precision_recall_density_coverage: For all modules which are generative models
  • log_likelihood: For two-step modules and density estimators with a log_prob method
  • l2_reconstruction_error: For two-step modules and generalized autoencoders with a rec_error method
  • loss: For all density estimator and generalized autoencoder modules, besides those trained using multiple loss functions such as AVB or WAE
  • likelihood_ood_acc: Reports the accuracy of OOD detection using likelihoods in the ambient space. Available for all two-step modules and density estimators
  • likelihood_ood_acc_low_dim: For two-step modules, reports the accuracy of OOD detection using likelihoods in the latent space

Test and validation metrics (besides OOD detection) should always be specified in a list. In the config files, this is easily specified as e.g. below:

    "test_metrics": ["loss", "fid", "l2_reconstruction_error"],

where ... refers to the rest of the config arguments. At the command line it is a bit more challenging, as we need to be careful about parsing list arguments. Doing something as e.g. below does the trick, as we ensure that we test fid and l2_reconstruction_error for the two-step module:

./ ... --shared-config test_metrics="['fid', 'l2_recontruction_error']" ...

Lastly, it is worth restating that the OOD metrics can be added to the test by simply adding the --test-ood flag in the command line.

Usage -

We also provide functionality for training standard, single-step deep generative models in These generally act as baselines for our two-step approaches. The usage is as follows:

./ --model <model> --dataset <dataset> [--is-gae]


  • model is any of the following: ae, arm, avb, bigan, ebm, flow, vae, or wae
  • dataset is any of the datasets listed in the usage
  • --is-gae is a flag that should be included when the model is a GAE, as it allows indexing the correct set of config files and saves the config as JSON under the name gae_config.json

As with, launching this command will produce a run directory containing the same elements as before. Also like, maintains the same behaviour for the following command line flags:

  • --load-dir
  • --max-epochs-loaded
  • --load-best-valid-first
  • --only-test
  • --test-ood

Lastly, a similar behaviour for updating config arguments at the command line is achieved using the flag --config <key>=<value>, where <key> is a hyperparameter name and <value> is the value to update it to.


We also provide tests for our codebase using the pytest framework. We have two separate types of test, all coded within the tests directory.

The first type tests basic functionality of individual components of the code and can be called simply using the command


from this directory. These tests should be fairly quick to run, on the order of a handful of seconds.

The second type tests overall code functionality, including training several types of models for several epochs, along with saving/loading/checkpointing. These tests, which live in the file, can be run via

pytest -m cmd

again from this directory. These tests may take several minutes to run.

Notebooks and

We have included two jupyter notebooks with this repository within the notebooks directory.

The first, entitled von_mises_example.ipynb, performs the 2D circle example from the paper end-to-end.

The second, entitled ood_histogram.ipynb, demonstrates how to obtain the OOD detection histograms from the paper. We have provided this functionality in a notebook since the histograms require some manual specification. This notebook also demonstrates how to load a previously-trained module into a python script via the load_run function within This may be useful for post-hoc inspection beyond just producing OOD detection histograms.

Worked Examples

The examples below show how to accomplish some of the behaviour described above.

Train a single-step GAE model

Example: AVB on FMNIST

./ --dataset fashion-mnist --model avb --is-gae

Train a single-step DE model

Example: NF on SVHN

./ --dataset svhn --model flow

Train a two-step model

Example: AVB+VAE on CIFAR-10

./ --dataset cifar10 --gae-model avb --de-model vae

Load a pre-trained GAE, and train a DE to create a two-step model

Example: AVB+VAE on FMNIST

First train the AVB using as in the first example:

./ --dataset fashion-mnist --model avb --is-gae

Then locate the corresponding folder in runs/ and use its name as an argument below.

Train a DE on the latents from a fixed GAE:

./ --load-dir runs/<avb model folder> --load-pretrained-gae --load-best-valid-first --freeze-pretrained-gae --de-model vae

Test OOD detection on a trained model

Example: AVB on FMNIST

Locate the AVB folder trained using as in the first example:

./ --load-dir runs/<avb model folder> --load-best-valid-first --only-test --test-ood

Example: AVB+VAE on FMNIST

Locate the AVB+VAE folder trained using

./ --load-dir runs/<avb vae model folder> --load-best-valid-first --only-test --test-ood


    title={Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models},
    author={Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem and Brendan Leigh Ross and Jesse C Cresswell and Anthony L. Caterini},
    journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},



We would like to acknowledge the Continuously Indexed Flows codebase for providing inspiration for several concepts in this codebase, including configs (including the dynamic command line update), run directories & checkpointing, data loading, and tensorboard writers.


Codebase accompanying the paper "Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models"






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