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Worship Decision Database

Backend API providing exposing the worship decision data. Started from the mu-project template.

Running and maintaining

General information on running, maintaining and installing the stack.

How to setup the stack


Running the dev. setup

Move in to the directory:

cd app-worship-decision-database

Start the system:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up

docker-compose up CLI reference.

Wait for everything to boot to ensure clean caches. You may choose to monitor the migrations service in a separate terminal to and wait for the overview of all migrations to appear:

docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 migrations

docker-compose logs CLI reference.

To ease all typing for docker-compose commands, start by creating the following files in the directory of the project. A docker-compose.override.yml file with following content:

version: '3.7'

And an .env file with following content:

docker-compose CLI env. vars. reference

Start the system:

docker-compose up

Ingesting data

administrative units

Only the 'normal' (i.e. non-worship) administrative units are provided by default. If you need to ingest the data for worship administrative units, you will need to ingest the data through deltas from:


  • The next steps assume .env file has been set, cf. supra.
  • Ensure the following configuration is defined in the docker-compose.override.yml
          DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: ""
          DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "true"
          DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "true"
          DCR_LANDING_ZONE_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
          DCR_REMAPPING_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # for the initial sync, we go directly to virtuoso
        entrypoint: ["echo", "Service-disabled to not confuse the service"]
        entrypoint: ["echo", "Service-disabled to not confuse the service"]
  • docker-compose up -d
  • Ensure all migrations have run and the stack is started and running properly.
  • Extra step in case of a resync, run:
    docker-compose exec op-public-consumer curl -X POST http://localhost/flush
    docker-compose logs -f --tail=200 op-public-consumer
    • This should end with Flush successful.
  • Update docker-compose.override.yml with
          DCR_SYNC_BASE_URL: ""
          DCR_DISABLE_INITIAL_SYNC: "false" # -> this changed
          DCR_DISABLE_DELTA_INGEST: "false" # -> this changed
          # DCR_LANDING_ZONE_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # -> this changed
          # DCR_REMAPPING_DATABASE: "virtuoso" # -> this changed
  • docker-compose up -d
  • This might take a while if docker-compose logs op-public-consumer |grep success Returns: Initial sync has been successfully run; you should be good. (Your computer will also stop making noise)
  • In docker-compose.override.yml, remove the disabled service update-bestuurseenheid-mock-login: entrypoint: ["echo", "Service-disabled to not confuse the service"] submissions-consumer: entrypoint: ["echo", "Service-disabled to not confuse the service"] The mock-logins will be created when a cron job kicks in. You can control the moment it triggers by playing with the CRON_PATTERN variable. See the of the related service for more options.


The app comes with no submissions data, because it depends on external datasources.

You can follow the following procedure, for all data sources (currently there is only one).

The ingestion should be a one time operation per deployment, and is currenlty semi-automatic for various reasons (mainly related to performance) The ingestion is disabled by default. It is recommended, for performance, to start only one initial ingest at a time.

To proceed:

  1. make sure the app is up and running. And the migrations have run.
  2. In docker-compose.override.yml (preferably) override the following parameters for submissions-consumer
# (...)
      BATCH_SIZE: "100" # if virtuoso is in prod mode, you can safely beef this up to 500/1000
      DCR_SYNC_LOGIN_ENDPOINT: '' # The endpoint of your choice (see later what to choose)
      DCR_SECRET_KEY: "the-key-of-interest"
  1. docker-compose up -d submissions-consumer should start the ingestion. This might take a while if yoh ingest production data.
  2. Check the logs, at some point this message should show up Initial sync was success, proceeding in Normal operation mode: ingest deltas or execute in the database:
    PREFIX adms: <>
    PREFIX task: <>
    PREFIX dct: <>
    PREFIX cogs: <>
    SELECT ?s ?status ?created WHERE {
      ?s a <> ;
        adms:status ?status ;
        task:operation <> ;
        dct:created ?created ;
        dct:creator <> .
     ORDER BY DESC(?created)
  3. Now the submissions are synced, a smilar procedure for the syncing of the files.
# (...)
      FILES_ENDPOINT_BASE_URL: "" # The endpoint of your choice (see later what to choose)
      SECRET_KEY: "the-relevant-key"
  1. Check the logs and wait for the message: Full sync finished. Or query:
   PREFIX adms: <>
   PREFIX task: <>
   PREFIX dct: <>
   PREFIX cogs: <>

   SELECT ?s ?status ?created WHERE {
     ?s a <> ;
       adms:status ?status ;
       task:operation <> ;
       dct:created ?created.
    ORDER BY DESC(?created)
  1. [OPTIONAL] Sometimes things might go wrong. It can help to rebuild the index ``/bin/bash config/scripts/` to troubleshoot.
  2. Once ok, you will have to enable automatic-syncing for the files consumer
# (...)
      # (...)
  1. drc restart resource cache search-query-management is still needed after the intiial sync.

configuring the dashboard

accessing the dashboard from your local machine

Since we use dispatcher v2, which dispatches on hostname, we'll have to update /etc/config/hosts. Add an entry similar to the following. Ensure the first part of the domain starts with dashboard.: dashboard.localhost

In this example, combined with it should be accessible on dashboard.localhost:81

login (all environments)

For now, we use specic logins for the dashboard users. Each environement has its own passwords. To add a user, make sure to have installed mu-cli first. Then in docker-compose.override.yml

      MU_APPLICATION_SALT: 'a_random_string_with_sufficient_entropy_hence_not_this_one'

You can generate by running mu script project-scripts generate-dashboard-login and following the steps. Restart migrations and it should work. Note: on DEV and QA, the passwords will be kept in on the server in docker-compose.override.yml

Additional notes:

mu-search is disabled

For performance reasons, mu-search is currently disabled.

elasticsearch max_shards_per_node

By default elastic search has not enough shards for all org graph. This will crash search and a workaround should be applied

drc exec elasticsearch bash
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "persistent": { "cluster.max_shards_per_node": "7000" } }'
drc up -d


  • The default virtuoso settings might be too weak if you need to ingest the production data. Hence, there is better config, you can take over in your docker-compose.override.yml
      - ./data/db:/data
      - ./config/virtuoso/virtuoso-production.ini:/data/virtuoso.ini
      - ./config/virtuoso/:/opt/virtuoso-scripts


  • Build elasticsearch config:
    • make the scripts/project/build-elasticsearch-config/ executable (chmod a+x)
    • make sure the virtuoso image is running
    • run mu script project-scripts build-elasticsearch-config

Vendor API

Some vendors need access to specific data inside Loket; as such, we expose an API that allows them to query data from their own designated graphs.

There are three services involved:

In brief, the API flows as follows:

  • The vendor-login service allows a vendor with an API key to log into app-digitaal-loket and provides said vendor with an active session.
  • The sparql-authorization-wrapper service proxies SPARQL requests from the vendor to app-digitaal-loket by intercepting the request and adding specific authorization rules to allow/disallow this request; these rules are defined in config/sparql-authorization-wrapper/filter.js.
    • sparql-authorization-wrapper checks whether a vendor has an active session by querying the sessions created by vendor-login.
  • The vendor-data-distribution service copies data inside app-digitaal-loket to designated graphs, which are made accessible through the SPARQL endpoint; the rules defining what gets copied are defined in config/vendor-data/subjectsAndPaths.js.



To log in as a vendor, run the following command:

curl -v -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -b CookieJar.tsv -c CookieJar.tsv \
      -d '{
    "organization": "ORG_URI",
    "publisher": {
        "uri": "VENDOR_URI",
        "key": "VENDOR_API_KEY"
}' http://localhost:90/vendor/login


  • ORG_URI is the URI of the organization the vendor can act on behalf of.
  • VENDOR_URI is the URI of the relevant vendor.
  • VENDOR_API_KEY is the API key the vendor uses to log in.

VENDOR_URI, VENDOR_API_KEY and ORG_URI can be found by querying the database as follows:

PREFIX muAccount: <>
PREFIX mu:        <>
PREFIX foaf:      <>
PREFIX ext:       <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?vendorURI ?vendorName ?vendorAPIKey ?organizationURI WHERE {
  ?s a foaf:Agent, ext:Vendor ;
    muAccount:key ?key ;
    muAccount:canActOnBehalfOf ?organizationURI ;
    foaf:name ?vendorName .

This query will return the vendorURI, vendorName, vendorAPIKey and organizationURI; vendorName is not used in the cURL request but is useful information to have.


As mentioned in the summary above, this service acts as a proxy between the vendor and app-digitaal-loket and is used to append extra authorization rules in addition to making sure the client is allowed to access the requested data.

After logging in as a vendor, run the following command to execute a query (note the use of the same CookieJar.tsv from the previous section):

curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  -b CookieJar.tsv -c CookieJar.tsv \
  --data-urlencode 'query=SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s a <> ; ?p ?o . }' \
  --location "http://localhost:90/vendor/sparql" --write-out '%{json}' | jq '.results'

NOTE: The --write-out '%{json}' | jq '.results' snippet at the end allows for a nicer output, but it can be removed. You need to install jq first if you choose to write out the JSON output to jq.

The following is an example output you may see after executing the request:

  "ordered": true,
  "distinct": false,
  "bindings": [
      "s": {
        "value": "",
        "type": "uri"
      "p": {
        "value": "",
        "type": "uri"
      "o": {
        "value": "",
        "type": "uri"
Service Configuration (filter.js)

The custom authorization rules are defined in a custom filter.js file. You can write out the specific query you want executed inside the isAuthorized() function, and sparql-authorization-wrapper-service will use it when proxying requests from the vendor.

More info can found in the writing rules section of the service's README page.


This service works by reacting to deltas and is responsible for moving vendor-relevant data into specific graphs, where they can then be accessed through the vendor API.

Service Configuration (subjectsAndPaths.js)

This service is configured through a custom subjectsAndPaths.js file, similar to sparql-authorization-wrapper-service. More info can be found here.

Healing Process

The healing process allows the service to "manually" copy data to vendor graphs by the following the same rules defined in subjectsAndPaths.js. Trigger a POST request to the /healing endpoint of the service to start the healing.