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Ledis - Little, Dummy Redis

It's not Redis, just homework.

Support some functionality of Redis like Push, Pop, Snapshot, Restore... and some data structure like Set, List, String.

User can use CLI to interact similarly like Redis CLI

This project using Ruby on Rails for backend, and ReactJS for CLI UI frontend.

System Requirement

  • Ruby 2.5.0 or above
  • Rails 5.1 or above
  • react_on_rails 11.1 or above

Support Function


  • SET key value: set a string value, always overwriting what is saved under key
  • GET key: get a string value at key already

List: List is an ordered collection (duplicates allowed) of string values

  • LLEN key: return length of a list
  • RPUSH key value1 [value2...]: append 1 or more values to the list, create a list if not exists, return the length of the list after an operation
  • LPOP key: remove and return the first item of the list
  • RPOP key: remove and return the last item of the list
  • LRANGE key start stop: return a range of element from the list (zero-based, inclusive of the start and stop), start and stop are non-negative integers

Set: Set is an unordered collection of unique string values (duplicates not allowed)

  • SADD key value1 [value2...]: add values to set stored at key
  • SCARD key: return the number of elements of the set stored at key
  • SMEMBERS key: return array of all members of set
  • SREM key value1 [value2...]: remove values from set
  • SINTER [key1] [key2] [key3] ...: set intersection among all set stored in specified keys. Return array of members of the result set

Data Expiration:

  • KEYS: List all available keys
  • DEL key: delete a key
  • FLUSHDB: clear all keys
  • EXPIRE key seconds: set a timeout on a key, seconds is a positive integer. Return the number of seconds if the timeout is set
  • TTL key: query the timeout of a key


  • SAVE: save the current state in a snapshot (System will snapshot data to file data_snapshot.yml)
  • RESTORE: restore from the last snapshot,
  • System will snapshot and restore data from file data_snapshot.yml


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Not Redis, just a homework






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