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Austin Zheng edited this page Sep 1, 2015 · 6 revisions



Released 09/01/2015


  • textViewDidProgrammaticallyUpdate: delegate method now available. Thanks to @dotjim.


  • Sample app now properly builds in Xcode 6.* (Swift 1.2 compliant).


Released 05/11/2015


  • Publicly exposed the firstResponderIsCycling property. A host app that expects keyboard notifications may need to use this property to determine whether notifications are spurious or not.


Released 05/11/2015

NOTE: Do NOT use 4.0.2 or any 4.0. version preceding this one.*


  • Added the mentionsPluginWillActivateChooserView: method to HKWMentionsStateChangeDelegate. This method fires before the chooser UI is set up, and gives applications a chance to modify (e.g.) keyboard behavior.


  • The mentionsPluginDeactivatedChooserView: method is now called after all chooser view dismissal work is complete. Because this is theoretically a breaking change, the major version number has been incremented.
  • Changed the way iOS version is detected by the plug-in.
  • Fixed several warnings caused by calls to labs with the result of arithmetic conducted on unsigned integers.


Released 03/02/2015


  • The single-line viewport mode's touchCaptureOverlayView is now configured using Auto Layout.


Released 03/02/2015


  • Added the optional mentionsPlugin:createdMention:atLocation method to the mentions plug-in's HKWMentionsStateChangeDelegate. This allows the host app to be notified whenever user action results in the creation of a mention.
  • Added the notifyTextViewDelegateOnMentionCreation, notifyTextViewDelegateOnMentionTrim, and notifyTextViewDelegateOnMentionDeletion properties to the mentions plug-in. These allow the host app to set whether or not the plug-in should notify its parent text view's delegate whenever mentions are created, trimmed, or destroyed.


  • The mentions plug-in now defers initial setup until the first time the text view is about to begin editing, if the text view isn't the first responder at the time the plug-in is being registered. This fixes a bug where the text view became the first responder whenever the plug-in was registered, even when that was undesirable.
  • Added an init method to make the initialization of certain mentions plug-in state variables clearer.
  • The internal mentions plug-in bleachMentionsWithinRange: method now returns the number of mentions that were destroyed.
  • Improved mentions plug-in docstrings.


Released 02/19/2015


  • Added the fontSetByApp and textColorSetByApp properties to the text view's plug-in API. This allows plug-ins to know whether the user explicitly set the text view's font and text color, and what they were set to.


  • Fixed a bug where programmatically initialized text views broke if they were resized after creation.
  • Fixed a bug where the default chooser view didn't respect borderMode.
  • Fixed a bug where the mentions plug-in didn't properly switch between mentions-specific text attributes and the 'default' text attributes for the text view, including losing the font or text color.
  • Fixed a bug where the mentions plug-in didn't properly apply text attributes to newly created mentions.
  • Fixed a bug where caretRectForPosition: could return NaN and cause an exception.
  • Fixed a regression where the text view's single-line viewport mode didn't function correctly when the viewport was set to appear at the bottom.


Released 02/18/2015


  • Fixed a bug where becomeVisible was not being called properly.


Released 02/18/2015


  • Added the HKWCustomChooserViewDelegate, allowing for custom chooser views which don't need to be backed by a UITableView.


  • Changed all enums to use the NS_ENUM macro.
  • Removed HKWAbstractChooserView class; the default chooser view now inherits directly from UIView.
  • Moved HKWAbstractChooserView's remaining methods into HKWChooserViewProtocol.
  • Modified the initializer requirement for HKWChooserViewProtocol; there are two initializers, both of which are declared as optional, but at least one must be implemented.
  • Modified the mentions plug-in to support chooser views using HKWCustomChooserViewDelegate.
  • Made borderMode, dataViewScrollIndicatorInsets, dataViewContentInset, chooserBackgroundColor, and insertionPointMarkerEnabled methods on the chooser view protocol optional.
  • Clarified docstrings for several methods that could have been used ambiguously.


Released 10/20/2014

Initial release version.

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