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Family Planning

Elijah Karari edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 1 revision

Challenge being addressed

Family planning improves health, reduces poverty, empowers women and prevents maternal deaths. Yet, today, more than 200 million women in the developing world want to avoid pregnancy but are not using a modern method of contraception. They face many obstacles, including lack of access to information and health care services, opposition from their husbands and communities, misconceptions about side effects, and cost. There is a need for community health programs to support family planning awareness, education, referrals, side effects screening and provision of family planning to eligible women.

Solution Overview

The family planning workflow ensures that eligible women receive their family planning need with the support of CHWs. The CHT Application with family planning workflows is used by health workers and clinical staff to:

  • Counsel eligible women on family planning services
  • Guided screening of eligible women for unmet family planning needs
  • Refer women to a health facility for family planning services
  • Ensure ontime FP appointments
  • Screen for FP Side effects and refer appropriately

Family Planning Theory of Change

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Technology intervention

  • Monthly screening for all FP eligible women
  • Guided screening to ensure adherence to PIH FP protocols
  • Referral follow up tasks for referred patients
  • CHW follow up tasks for FP users
  • CHW FP expiry tasks
  • Dashboards to monitor FP related activities and outcomes
  • Supportive supervision ratings to identify gaps and mentorship opportunities


  • Register all women
  • Regularly screen eligible women for FP use
  • Refer any eligible woman who is not on modern family planning to the facility for FP
  • Follow up on referred cases for facility attendance
  • Follow up all women on FP for adherence and side effect screening
  • Refer all cases with reported side effects to facility

Intermediary outcomes and assumptions

  • All women are educated on the importance of family planning
  • All eligible women are screened for FP use
  • All eligible women not on modern family planning are enrolled on a family planning method
  • All women on FP are followed up for adherence
  • All women with FP related side effects are referred and offered alternative options.


  • CHWs aware of the FP protocol
  • Facilities are sufficiently stocked
  • CHWs are equipped with functional phones
  • CHWs have community trust and good relationship with community


Improve on maternal health and well being through prevention of unplanned pregnancies and reduction of maternal mortality related to unsafe abortion services.

Form Hierarchy

Once a hierarchy of people and places is established, forms are added at different levels. This diagram indicates the forms that can be filled about a person in the app (in this case, family members at the household level), as well as the person/user who will access these forms and make the reports (CHWs at the CHW Area level). Some forms are accessible as actions from the family member’s profile as actions, others from the CHW’s task list as tasks, and some as either.

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Family Planning workflows are defined to connect form actions and data with people. Detailed documentation for these forms and task schedules are linked from the workflow diagrams below. Accompanying this documentation are tips and insights into the design decisions made along the way, and suggestions for how and where to customize the forms.

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