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More rtl_433 tools ...

David Todd edited this page Mar 21, 2023 · 3 revisions

Other topics related to rtl_433 that might be of interest to those who use rtl_433 ...

  • rtl_watch: Real-time monitor of devices seen by rtl_433. Catalogs devices seen, counts the number of packets observed from each and their signal-to-noise characteristics, updating display in real time.
  • DNR: A Python program to display temperatures from thermometer remote sensors in your neighborhood
  • rtl_433_stats: Catalog and characterize the ISM devices that broadcast in your neighborhood. rtl_snr analyzes the rtl_433 JSON log file to list the devices in your neighborhood that rtl_433 has recognized. The summary list includes a count of events broadcast, average signal-to-noise ratio, time between transmissions, radio frequencies, and packets-per-transmission, which might help identify those devices closest in proximity.