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Autodarts-caller plays back sound-files accordingly to the state of a game. Furthermore it acts as a central hub by forwarding game-events to connected clients like that process incoming data to automate other dart-web-platforms like


Variant Support
X01 ✔️
Cricket ✔️
Around the Clock ✔️
Round the World ✔️
Random Checkout ✔️
Count Up
Segment Training

Preview - Web-Caller functionalities

chat preview 1 chat preview 2 chat preview 3



  • If you're running a desktop-driven OS it's recommended to use autodarts-desktop as it takes care of starting, updating, configurating and managing multiple apps.


  • Download the appropriate executable in the release section.

By Source:

Setup python3

  • Download and install python 3.x.x for your specific os.

Get the project

git clone

Go to download-directory and type:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Optional for Linux: If you encounter problems with playing sound:

sudo apt-get install python3-sdl2


Since version 2.0.0 there is a build-in download-mechanismn that automatically downloads multiple voice-packs in different languages and genders on application start - you don't need to setup manually. Every voice-pack contain all sound-files of category MAIN-CALLING. If you would like to extend a voice-pack, e.g. to add other sound-files-keys like "ambient_gameshot" or "ambient_playerchange", copy them into specific voice-pack directory to use them only for specific voice-pack or copy them into --media_path_shared (-MS) to use them for every voice-pack. You can find a specific voice-pack in --media_path (-M).

Use my own voice-pack / sounds

Copy your sound-files to --media_path (-M). Make sure your sound-files are named according to the rules: supported sound-file-keys. You don't need to have all listed sound-file-keys - just add the ones you want to use. You can find sounds at,,

Since Version 1.6.0 you can deposit multiple sounds for every (sound-file-key). Therefor you have to add a "+" to the filename. After the "+" you can add whatever text you prefer; as an example: let`s say we want multiple sounds for the 'gameon'-event. Our default file is 'gameon.mp3'. Now we add some more: 'gameon+1.mp3', 'gameon+2.mp3', 'gameon+BEST.mp3'. You are not limited to the gameon-event, even score-sounds can have multiple soundfiles.




  • gameon
  • matchon
  • gameshot
  • matchshot
  • matchcancel
  • bulling_start
  • bulling_end
  • leg_{x}
  • set_{x}
  • busted
  • 0-180
  • {playername} (-CCP = 1)
  • you_require (-PCC = 1 and -PCCSF = 0)
  • yr_2-yr_170 (-PCC = 1 and -PCCSF = 1)

SINGLE-DARTS (Argument -E = 1):

  • single
  • singleinner [overrides: single]
  • singleouter [overrides: single]
  • double
  • triple
  • outside
  • s1-s20 [overrides: single, singleinner, singleouter]
  • d1-d20 [overrides: double]
  • t1-t20 [overrides: triple]
  • sbull [overrides: single]
  • bull [overrides: double]

AMBIENT (Argument -A > 0.0):

  • ambient_playerchange
  • ambient_gameon
  • ambient_gameon_{playername} [overrides: ambient_gameon]
  • ambient_matchon
  • ambient_matchon_{playername} [overrides: ambient_matchon]
  • ambient_gameshot
  • ambient_gameshot_{playername} [overrides: ambient_gameshot]
  • ambient_setshot
  • ambient_setshot_{playername} [overrides: ambient_setshot]
  • ambient_matchshot
  • ambient_matchshot_{playername} [overrides: ambient_matchshot]
  • ambient_bogey_number
  • ambient_noscore
  • ambient_1more
  • ambient_50more
  • ambient_100more
  • ambient_120more
  • ambient_150more
  • ambient_1-ambient_180 [overrides: ambient_Xmore]
  • ambient_{any 3 darts combo, for example "t1s1d1"} [overrides: ambient_1-ambient_180]
  • ambient_group_legendary
  • ambient_group_perfect
  • ambient_group_very_nice
  • ambient_group_good
  • ambient_group_normal
  • ambient_checkout_call_limit


  • lobby_ambient_in
  • lobby_ambient_out
  • {playername}
  • average
  • 0-180
  • left

ATC (Around the clock)

  • atc_target_hit
  • atc_target_missed
  • atc_target_next

RTW (Round the world)

  • rtw_target_hit_single
  • rtw_target_hit_double
  • rtw_target_hit_triple
  • rtw_target_missed


  • control
  • control_next [overrides: control]
  • control_next_game [overrides: control]
  • control_undo [overrides: control]
  • control_ban_caller [overrides: control]
  • control_change_caller [overrides: control]
  • control_calibrate [overrides: control]
  • control_dart_correction [overrides: control]
  • control_dart_correction_1 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]
  • control_dart_correction_2 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]
  • control_dart_correction_3 [overrides: control, control_dart_correction]


You can run by source or run an os-specific executable (recommended).

Run by executable

Example: Windows

Create a shortcut of the executable; right click on the shortcut -> select properties -> add Arguments in the target input at the end of the text field.

Example: C:\Downloads\autodarts-caller.exe -U "your-autodarts-email" -P "your-autodarts-password" -B "your-autodarts-board-id" -M "absolute-path-to-your-media-files"

Save changes. Click on the shortcut to start the application.

Run by source

Example: Linux

Copy the default script:


Edit and fill out Arguments:


Make it executable:

chmod +x

Start the script:




  • -U / --autodarts_email
  • -P / --autodarts_password
  • -B / --autodarts_board_id
  • -M / --media_path


  • -MS / --media_path_shared [Default: '']
  • -V / --caller_volume [Default: 1.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -C / --caller [Default: None] [Possible values: look at description below]
  • -R / --random_caller [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -L / --random_caller_each_leg [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -RL / --random_caller_language [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 (every language) | 1 (english) | 2 (french) | 3 (russian) | 4 (german) | 5 (spanish) | 6 (dutch)]
  • -RG / --random_caller_gender [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 (every gender) | 1 (female) | 2 (male) ]
  • -CCP / --call_current_player [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -CCPA / --call_current_player_always [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -E / --call_every_dart [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -ESF / --call_every_dart_single_files [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -PCC / --possible_checkout_call [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0..Inf]
  • -PCCSF / --possible_checkout_call_single_files [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -PCCYO / --possible_checkout_call_yourself_only [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -A / --ambient_sounds [Default: 0.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -AAC / --ambient_sounds_after_calls [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -DL / --downloads [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -DLL / --downloads_limit [Default: 3]
  • -DLLA / --downloads_language [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 (every language) | 1 (english) | 2 (french) | 3 (russian) | 4 (german) | 5 (spanish) | 6 (dutch)]
  • -DLN / --downloads_name [Default: '']
  • -BLP / --blacklist_path [Default: '']
  • -BAV / --background_audio_volume [Default: 0.0] [Possible values: 0.0 .. 1.0]
  • -WEB / --web_caller [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0,1,2]
  • -WEBSB / --web_caller_scoreboard [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -WEBP / --web_caller_port [Default: 5000]
  • -WEBDH / --web_caller_disable_https [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]
  • -HP / --host_port [Default: 8079]
  • -DEB / --debug [Default: 0] [Possible values: 0 | 1]

-U / --autodarts_email

You should know your registered email-adress.

-P / --autodarts_password

You should know your registered password. Make sure you disable 2FA (Two-Factor-Auth).

-B / --autodarts_board_id

You can find your Board-ID in Board-Manager.

-M / --media_path

Setup an absolute path where sounds should be/are located (If you are new just create an empty folder for that). Examples:

  • (Windows): C:\Users\Luca\Desktop\Programme\autodarts\autodarts-caller-speaker
  • (Linux): /home/luca/autodarts/autodarts-caller-speaker

By-the-way: this folder will be targeted for voice-pack-downloads/installs (-DL). Make sure the given path doesn't reside inside main-directory (autodarts-caller).

-MS / --media_path_shared

If you do not want to configure same sounds again for every individual voice-pack, you can specify an absolute path to a shared directory. Every voice-pack will use the sounds of that directory. Have a look at supported Sound-file-keys. Moreover make sure the given path neither resides inside main-directory (autodarts-caller) nor inside media-path (-M).

-V / --caller_volume

You can lower the call-volume in relation to current system-volume. '1.0' is system-volume. '0.5' is "half" volume. By default this is '1.0'.

-C / --caller

Sets a specific voice-pack as caller. On start the application displays a list of installed voice-packs; copy the name of chosen one and paste it here. By default this is 'None' meaning the application uses sound-files of argument '-M' or a random voice-pack if this is configurated (see next). Note: if you set this to a value unequal to 'None' the arguments '-R' and '-L' are no more relevant.

-R / --random_caller

The application will randomly choose a voice-pack on every match-start. If you use this functionality, the application considers only most recent version of a voice-pack by finding highest version number (e.g: a-caller-v3). By default this is activated.

-L / --random_caller_each_leg

If you set this to '1' the application will randomly choose a voice-pack each time a new leg starts. By default this is not activated.

-RL / --random_caller_language

Filters randomly chosen voice-pack by its language. '0' means no filtering. By default this is '1' (english).

-RG / --random_caller_gender

Filters randomly chosen voice-pack by its gender. '0' means no filtering. By default this is '0'.

-CCP / --call_current_player

If you set this to '1' the application will call playernames for certain events like "you require", "leg/set start", "leg/set end". By default this is activated.

-CCPA / --call_current_player_always

If you set this to '1' the application will call playernames on every playerchange (-CCP needs to be activated). By default this is not activated.

-E / --call_every_dart

If you set this to '1' the application calls every thrown dart. Setup sounds 's1'-'t20', single, double and others. This is pretty handy if you want to play sound-effects. Note: the third dart will only considered if argument '-ESF' is set to '1'. By default this is not activated.

-ESF / --call_every_dart_single_files

If you set this to '0' the application calls every thrown dart by combining the type of hit (single, double ..) with hit-number (20, 30, ..) so that it reuses the sounds of score-values (0-180). If you set this to '1' (default) it will call by using only one file (ie. single, double, t19, ..).

-PCC / --possible_checkout_call

If you set this to '1' the application will call possible checkouts. Setup sounds {playername}{yr_2-yr_170} or {2-170} as a fallback. If you set this to value above '1' calls won't be repeat when the count of value is reached. By default this is '1'.

-PCCSF / --possible_checkout_call_single_file

If you set this to '0' (default) the application uses two separated sound-files named: 'you_require' and 'x' (score-value). If you set this to '1' the application will call a possible checkout by using one file 'yr_2-yr_170'.

-PCCYO / --possible_checkout_call_yourself_only

If you set this to '1' the application will only call if there is a checkout possibility and the current player is you (associated to your board-id). Note: this functionality won't work if your board is offline. By default this is '0'.

-A / --ambient_sounds

If you set this to value between '0.1' and '1.0' the caller will call extra sounds like crowd-shouting or whatever you like (you decide!). Setup sounds {ambient_*}. The configured value will be multiplied by caller_volume. As an example: caller_volume = '0.8' and ambient_sounds = '1.0' means your sound-volume will be 0.8 relative to your system-volume. By default this is '0'.

-AAC / --ambient_sounds_after_calls

If you set this to '1' ambient_*-sounds will wait until main-calls are finished. By default this is not activated.

-DL / --downloads

If you set this to '1' the application will download available voice-packs that are not already installed. Installation path is the value of -M. On first application-start, it downloads and extracts multiple voice-packs: it will take several minutes; be patient - take a coffee. By default this is activated.

-DLL / --downloads_limit

If you want to limit download-count, you can set it to x most recent. By default this is '3'.

-DLLA / --downloads_language

If you want to filter downloads for a specific language. '0' means no language-filtering. By default this is '1' (english).

-DLN / --downloads_name

If you want to filter downloads to a specific voice-pack-name. '' means no name-filtering. By default this is ''.

-BLP / --blacklist_path

The blacklist-file stores voice-pack-names that are undesired for downloads or calls. In other words: those ones are just ignored by the application. To use blacklist define an absolute path where the blacklist-file should be located (it will be generated automatically on application start). Now you can simply add an undesired voice-pack-name (have a look at available ones on application start).

-BAV / --background_audio_volume

You can not hear any calls as your music is way too loud? Try to set this to '0.03' and let the calls begin :) Default is '0.0' (no background-audio-muting). Note: Only availble on windows-os.

-WEB / --web_caller

If you set this '1' or '2' the application will host a web-server to mirror call-events. A value '1' will play sounds only on the website. Value '2' will play sounds on the application (locally) and on the website; Use your smartphone, tablet or other device and visit https://{machine-ip-address}:{web-caller-port}. For a continuous calling experience make sure your device display stays on while you are playing. For faster processing the web-caller caches sound-files which results in fast response times; Internet Explorer, non-chromium Edge and Safari > v10 is mandantory as caching is realized by indexeddb. If you're using an ios device, you probably need to open the page twice and confirm audio-playing by pressing the displayed button. In case that doesn't solve problems try to use another browser like firefox. There is more to say: you can switch language, gender, change to a random caller or ban a caller on-the-fly. Use the modification area to randomize caller-voices. If your opponent is also using the web-caller, you both will be able to communicate in realtime.

-WEBSB / --web_caller_scoreboard

If you set this to a '1' the application will host a web-endpoint to display an alternative scoreboard. Visit https://{machine-ip-address}:{web-caller-port}/scoreboard in browser.

-WEBP / --web_caller_port

If web-calling or web-scoreboard is enabled, you can configure a custom port. By default this is '5000'.

-WEBDH / --web_caller_disable_https

If you set this to '1' the application will run all services with insecure http/ws. It's NOT recommended! Also you won't be able to use video-/voice-calls on chat. By default this is NOT activated.

-HP / --host_port

The application provides a websocket-service. Other extensions like autodarts-extern or autodarts-wled can connect to this service (ws://ip:port). For a list of json-examples look at 'broadcast-examples.dat' - who knows maybe you build your own extension upon this?!

-DEB / --debug

Set this to value '1', to output extended event-information on console. By default this is '0'.

Setup autostart [linux] (optional)

There are endless possibilities to manage an autostart. You find two ways to do it (both using the to run it by source)

Using a cronjob

crontab -e

At the end of the file add (Replace USER):

@reboot sleep 30 && cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./ > /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log 2>&1

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log

Using a desktop-start-task (linux with gui only)

if you are facing problems with the crontab-solution try this:

sudo apt install xterm

One can now manually test whether the whole thing starts with the following command (adjust USER):

xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./"

A terminal-like window should now open with the running program.

To enable autostart, a .desktop file now needs to be created:

sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Insert the following into this file and adjust the USER in the path:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-caller && ./ > /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log 2>&1"
Comment[de_DE]=Autostart Autodarts-Caller
Comment=Autostart Autodarts-Caller

Afterwards, save the file (Ctrl + O) and close the file (Ctrl + X).

Now the file permissions need to be set for the file (again, adjust USER!):

sudo chmod u=rw-,g=rw-,o=r-- ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chown USER ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-caller.log


To install the caller inside a docker container, use a compose file that looks like this:

version: '3.3'

    image: lbormann/autodarts-caller
    container_name: autodarts-caller
    restart: unless-stopped
    - 5000:5000 #Web Caller Port
    - 8079:8079 #Host Port
    - /dev/snd:/dev/snd
      #required settings
      AUTODARTS_EMAIL:    '' #Your autodarts mail adress
      AUTODARTS_PASSWORD: '' #Your autodarts password
      AUTODARTS_BOARD_ID: '' #Your autodarts board id
    - ./autodarts-caller/media:/usr/share/autodarts-caller/media
    - ./autodarts-caller/media-shared:/usr/share/autodarts-caller/media-shared
    - ./autodarts-caller:/usr/share/autodarts-caller

If you want additional parameters, add them as environment variables:

  AUTODARTS_EMAIL:    '' #Your autodarts mail adress
  AUTODARTS_PASSWORD: '' #Your autodarts password
  AUTODARTS_BOARD_ID: '' #Your autodarts board id

If you wish to no paste your password, consider storing it in a separate .env file. Make sure to secure your env-file (chmod 600 .env should be enough)


[email protected]


App has strange behaviour / got an error message

  • Enable debug ('-DEB "1"') to display more information about a problem.
  • If you don't know how to solve a problem, have a look below.

failed keycloakauthentication Error (401 invalid_grant)

  • Disable Two-Factor-Auth (2FA).
  • Make sure you use your email-addres - NOT your username.
  • Check your password.

Can not play sound for sound-file-key 'X' -> Ignore this or check existance; otherwise convert your file appropriate

Make sure the displayed exists! If you rename any of your sound-files you NEED to restart the application as it internally creates a list of available sound-files ONLY on application-start AND on a caller-switch (random_caller-functionality)!

Sound is not playing?!

  • Check that the filename is a supported Sound-file-key
  • Sometimes there are sounds that are not readable. In this case you can convert sound-file(s) with an additional program ( Make sure you configurate 44100HZ, Stereo.
  • Check the console output: in case you do not receive any messages (only 'Receiving live information from ..') -> you should check the given Board-ID (-B) for correctness.

I don't like sound X of voice-pack Y

EVERY sound is optional! If you don't like a specific sound just delete it! The application can even function with no files at all.

I don't like voice-pack X

There are four ways to ban an undesired voice-pack. Option 1) Enable web-caller (WEB 1|2) and press "Ban Caller!" Option 2) Delete ALL files of voice-pack-folder. Option 3) use autodarts-voice to ban the the current caller when he/she is active. Option 4) put the name of the current caller (voice-pack) in autodarts-caller-banned.txt by yourself. All options forcing the application to either download files again nor using a voice-pack anymore, except you define it in -C or -DLN If you wish to revoke a ban, open 'autodarts-caller-banned.txt' and remove the line from the list.

App starts and stops immediately?!

Start application out of terminal to check whats going on.

Sound does not match up calls?!

Try to modify your sound-files.


Do you want to provide your voice-pack to the community? It`s easy - read on!

  1. Create a ZIP archive that contains the following contents:

    • Template file: A UTF8-(with a BOM)-encoded CSV file (*.csv) (filename irrelevant), which is structured as follows: Column 1 contains a phrase that a sound file is based on. For example: "The game is over." All other filled columns (separated by semicolon ';') specify Sound-file-keys that are used by autodarts-caller. For an example have a look at 'en-US-v1.csv' template.

    • Sounds archive: A ZIP file (*.zip) (filename: "{speaker name}"-"{m|f}"-"{language}".zip - for example: ""). This ZIP-file must contain a folder (filename irrelevant). The folder contains the sound-files. It should be noted that the sounds-files MUST be in the same order (when sorted alphabetically) as listed in the template-file; however, the actual filename is completely irrelevant.

    • Source file (optional but desirable): A text file (*.txt) (filename: irrelevant) containing additional information about the origin of the sound files. For example you could mention a link where the sounds were generated; a specification of generation-parameters and so on.

  2. Upload the ZIP archive to a file-hoster: Make sure you choose a filehoster that supports direct-links and UNLIMITED file-persistence without restrictions (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, ...). !!IMPORTANT!! Before you upload, check if you are eligible to distribute the sound-files - Are you the owner? Are you allowed to share it in public?

  3. Sent me a your link by PM on Discord - Wait for a new release :)



No packages published


  • Python 58.7%
  • HTML 30.2%
  • CSS 4.6%
  • Shell 3.2%
  • JavaScript 2.4%
  • Dockerfile 0.8%
  • Batchfile 0.1%