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Merge pull request #415 from hannesm/extract-fragmentation
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introduce ipv4/Fragments.fragment : ~mtu:int -> Ipv4_packet.t -> Cstr…
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hannesm committed Aug 12, 2019
2 parents 7398103 + 3d924e4 commit 7f2c5ab
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Showing 4 changed files with 197 additions and 75 deletions.
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/ipv4/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,3 +180,45 @@ let process cache ts (packet : Ipv4_packet.t) payload =
| Error Hole -> maybe_add_to_cache cache', None
maybe_add_to_cache cache', None

(* TODO hdr.options is a Cstruct.t atm, but instead we need to parse all the
options, and distinguish based on the first bit -- only these with the bit
set should be copied into all fragments (see RFC 791, 3.1, page 15) *)
let fragment ~mtu hdr payload =
let rec frag1 acc hdr hdr_buf offset data_size payload =
let more = Cstruct.len payload > data_size in
let hdr' =
(* off is 16 bit of IPv4 header, 0x2000 sets the more fragments bit *)
let off = (offset / 8) lor (if more then 0x2000 else 0) in
{ hdr with }
let this_payload, rest =
if more then Cstruct.split payload data_size else payload, Cstruct.empty
let payload_len = Cstruct.len this_payload in
Ipv4_wire.set_ipv4_csum hdr_buf 0;
(match Ipv4_packet.Marshal.into_cstruct ~payload_len hdr' hdr_buf with
(* hdr_buf is allocated with hdr_size (computed below) bytes, thus
into_cstruct will never return an error! *)
| Error msg -> invalid_arg msg
| Ok () -> ());
let acc' = Cstruct.append hdr_buf this_payload :: acc in
if more then
let offset = offset + data_size in
(frag1[@tailcall]) acc' hdr hdr_buf offset data_size rest
let hdr_size =
(* padded to 4 byte boundary *)
let opt_size = (Cstruct.len hdr.Ipv4_packet.options + 3) / 4 * 4 in
opt_size + Ipv4_wire.sizeof_ipv4
let data_size =
let full = mtu - hdr_size in
(full / 8) * 8
if data_size <= 0 then
List.rev (frag1 [] hdr (Cstruct.create hdr_size) data_size data_size payload)
61 changes: 59 additions & 2 deletions src/ipv4/fragments.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,53 @@

(** IPv4 Fragmentation and reassembly
An IPv4 packet may exceed the maximum transferable unit (MTU) of a link, and
thus may be fragmented into multiple packets. Since the MTU depends on the
underlying link, fragmentation and reassembly may happen in gateways as well
as endpoints. Starting at byte 6, 16 bit in the IPv4 header are used for
fragmentation. The first bit is reserved, the second signals if set to never
fragment this packet - instead if it needs to be fragmented, an ICMP error
must be returned (used for path MTU discovery). The third bit indicates
whether this is the last fragment or more are following. The remaining 13
bits are the offset of this fragment in the reassembled packet, divided by
8. All fragments of one reassembled packet use the same 16 bit IPv4
identifier (byte offset 4). The IPv4 header is repeated in each fragment,
apart from those options which highest bit is cleared. Fragments may be
received in any order.
This module implements a reassembly cache, using a least recently used (LRU)
cache underneath. For security reasons, only non-overlapping fragments are
accepted. To avoid denial of service attacks, the maximum number of segments
is limited to 16 - with a common MTU of 1500, this means that packets
exceeding 24000 bytes will be dropped. The arrival time of the first and last
fragment may not exceed 10 seconds. There is no per-source IP limit of
fragment data to keep, only the total amount of fragmented data can be
limited by the choice of the size of the LRU.
Any received packet may be the last needed for a successful reassembly (due
to receiving them out-of-order). When the last fragment (which has the more
fragments bit cleared) for a quadruple source IP, destination IP, IP
identifier, and protocol ID, is received, reassembly is attempted - also on
subsequent packets with the same quadruple. *)

module V : sig
type t = int64 * Cstruct.t * bool * int * (int * Cstruct.t) list
(** The type of values in the fragment cache: a timestamp of the first
received one, IP options (of the first fragment), whether or not the last
fragment was received (the one with more fragments cleared), amount of
received fragments, and a list of pairs of offset and fragment. *)

val weight : t -> int
(** [weight t] is the data length of the received fragments. *)

module K : sig
type t = Ipaddr.V4.t * Ipaddr.V4.t * int * int
(** The type of keys in the fragment cache: source IP address, destination
IP address, protocol type, and IP identifier. *)

val compare : t -> t -> int

Expand All @@ -30,6 +69,24 @@ module Cache : sig

val max_duration : int64
(** [max_duration] is the maximum delta between first and last received
fragment, in nanoseconds. At the moment it is 10 seconds. *)

val process : Cache.t -> int64 -> Ipv4_packet.t -> Cstruct.t -> Cache.t *
(Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t) option (** [process t timestamp hdr payload] is
[t'], a new cache, and maybe a fully reassembled IPv4 packet. If reassembly
fails, e.g. too many fragments, delta between receive timestamp of first and
last packet exceeds {!max_duration}, overlapping packets, these packets
will be dropped from the cache. The IPv4 header options are always taken from
the first fragment (where offset is 0). If the provided IPv4 header has an
fragmentation offset of 0, and the more fragments bit is not set, the given
header and payload is directly returned. Handles out-of-order fragments
gracefully. *)

val process : Cache.t -> int64 -> Ipv4_packet.t -> Cstruct.t ->
Cache.t * (Ipv4_packet.t * Cstruct.t) option
val fragment : mtu:int -> Ipv4_packet.t -> Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t list
(** [fragment ~mtu hdr payload] is called with the IPv4 header of the first
fragment and the remaining payload (which did not fit into the first
fragment). The [data_length = ((mtu - header_length hdr) / 8) * 8] is used
for each fragment (and it is assumed that the first fragment contains
exactly that much data). The number of packets returned is
[len payload / data_len]. If [data_len <= 0], the empty list is returned. *)
118 changes: 50 additions & 68 deletions src/ipv4/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,90 +64,72 @@ module Make (R: Mirage_random.C) (C: Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) (Ethernet: Mirage_prot
(* no options here, always 20 bytes! *)
let hdr_len = Ipv4_wire.sizeof_ipv4 in
let needed_bytes = Cstruct.lenv bufs + hdr_len + size in
let multiple = needed_bytes > mtu in
(* construct the header (will be reused across fragments) *)
let hdr =
let src = match src with None -> t.ip | Some x -> x in
let off = if fragment then 0x0000 else 0x4000 in
options = Cstruct.empty ;
src ; dst ;
ttl ; off ; id = 0 ;
proto = Ipv4_packet.Marshal.protocol_to_int proto }
let writeout size fill =
Ethernet.write t.ethif mac `IPv4 ~size fill >|= function
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Error sending Ethernet frame: %a" Ethernet.pp_error e);
Error (`Ethif e)
| Ok () -> Ok ()
Log.debug (fun m -> m "ip write: mtu is %d, hdr_len is %d, size %d payload len %d, needed_bytes %d"
mtu hdr_len size (Cstruct.lenv bufs) needed_bytes) ;
if mtu >= needed_bytes then begin
(* single fragment *)
if not fragment && multiple then
Lwt.return (Error `Would_fragment)
let off =
match fragment, multiple with
| true, true -> 0x2000
| false, false -> 0x4000
| true, false -> 0x0000
| false, true -> assert false (* handled by conditional above *)
let hdr =
let src = match src with None -> t.ip | Some x -> x in
let id = if multiple then Randomconv.int16 R.generate else 0 in
options = Cstruct.empty ;
src ; dst ; ttl ; off ; id ;
proto = Ipv4_packet.Marshal.protocol_to_int proto }
let writeout size fill =
Ethernet.write t.ethif mac `IPv4 ~size fill >|= function
| Error e ->
Log.warn (fun f -> f "Error sending Ethernet frame: %a"
Ethernet.pp_error e);
Error (`Ethif e)
| Ok () -> Ok ()
Log.debug (fun m -> m "ip write: mtu is %d, hdr_len is %d, size %d \
payload len %d, needed_bytes %d"
mtu hdr_len size (Cstruct.lenv bufs) needed_bytes) ;
let leftover = ref Cstruct.empty in
(* first fragment *)
let fill buf =
let hdr_buf, payload_buf = Cstruct.split buf hdr_len in
let payload_buf = Cstruct.shift buf hdr_len in
let header_len = headerf payload_buf in
if header_len > size then begin
Log.err (fun m -> m "headers returned length exceeding size") ;
invalid_arg "headerf exceeds size"
end ;
(* need to copy the given payload *)
let len, leftover =
let len, rest =
Cstruct.fillv ~src:bufs ~dst:(Cstruct.shift payload_buf header_len)
if leftover <> [] then begin
Log.err (fun m -> m "there's some leftover data") ;
invalid_arg "leftover data"
end ;
leftover := Cstruct.concat rest;
let payload_len = header_len + len in
match Ipv4_packet.Marshal.into_cstruct ~payload_len hdr buf with
| Ok () -> Ipv4_common.set_checksum hdr_buf ; payload_len + hdr_len
| Ok () -> payload_len + hdr_len
| Error msg ->
Log.err (fun m -> m "failure while assembling ip frame: %s" msg) ;
invalid_arg msg
writeout needed_bytes fill
end else if fragment then begin
(* where are we? -- need to allocate size, execute fillf
--> if size + hdr_len > mtu, we need this allocated here *)
let proto_header = Cstruct.create size in
let header_len = headerf proto_header in
if header_len > size then begin
Log.err (fun m -> m "(frag) headers returned length exceeding size") ;
invalid_arg "(frag) headerf exceeds size"
end ;
let proto_header = Cstruct.sub proto_header 0 header_len in
let bufs = ref (proto_header :: bufs) in
let hdr = { hdr with id = Randomconv.int16 R.generate } in
let rec send off =
match !bufs with
| [] -> Lwt.return (Ok ())
| to_send ->
let pay_len = min (mtu - hdr_len) (Cstruct.lenv to_send) in
let fill buf =
let hdr_buf, payload_buf = Cstruct.split buf hdr_len in
let len, leftover = Cstruct.fillv ~src:!bufs ~dst:payload_buf in
Log.debug (fun m -> m "header buffer is %d, payload %d (requested was %d) len %d"
(Cstruct.len hdr_buf) (Cstruct.len payload_buf)
(pay_len + hdr_len) len) ;
bufs := leftover ;
let last = match leftover with [] -> true | _ -> false in
let off = if last then off else off lor 0x2000 in
let hdr = { hdr with off } in
match Ipv4_packet.Marshal.into_cstruct ~payload_len:len hdr buf with
| Ok () -> Ipv4_common.set_checksum hdr_buf ; pay_len + hdr_len
| Error msg ->
Log.err (fun m -> m "failure while assembling ip frame: %s" msg) ;
invalid_arg msg
writeout (hdr_len + pay_len) fill >>= function
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e)
| Ok () -> send (off + pay_len lsr 3)
send 0
end else (* error out, as described in the semantics *)
Lwt.return (Error `Would_fragment)
writeout (min mtu needed_bytes) fill >>= function
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e)
| Ok () ->
if not multiple then
Lwt.return (Ok ())
let remaining = Fragments.fragment ~mtu hdr !leftover in
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun acc p ->
match acc with
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e)
| Ok () ->
let l = Cstruct.len p in
writeout l (fun buf -> Cstruct.blit p 0 buf 0 l ; l))
(Ok ()) remaining

let input t ~tcp ~udp ~default buf =
match Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct buf with
Expand Down
51 changes: 46 additions & 5 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let basic_reassembly_timeout () =
Alcotest.(check (option (pair ipv4_packet cstruct)) __LOC__ None res) ;

let reassembly_out_of_orfer () =
let reassembly_out_of_order () =
let more_frags = { test_packet with off = mf } in
let off_packet = { test_packet with off = 2 } in
let cache, res = Fragments.process empty_cache 0L off_packet gray in
Expand All @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let reassembly_out_of_orfer () =
(snd @@ Fragments.process cache 0L more_frags black)) ;

let reassembly_multiple_out_of_orfer packets final_payload () =
let reassembly_multiple_out_of_order packets final_payload () =
let _, res = List.fold_left (fun (cache, res) (off, payload) ->
Alcotest.(check (option (pair ipv4_packet cstruct)) __LOC__ None res) ;
let packet = { test_packet with off } in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +202,45 @@ let rec permutations = function
| x::xs -> List.fold_left (fun acc p -> acc @ ins_all_positions x p ) []
(permutations xs)

let fragment_simple () =
let hdr =
{ Ipv4_packet.src = Ipaddr.V4.localhost ; dst = Ipaddr.V4.localhost ;
id = 0x42 ; off = 0 ; ttl = 10 ; proto = 10 ; options = Cstruct.empty }
let payload = Cstruct.create 1030 in
let fs = Fragments.fragment ~mtu:36 hdr payload in
(* 16 byte per packet -> 64 fragments (a 16 byte) + 1 (6 byte) *)
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 65 (List.length fs));
let second, last = List.hd fs, List.(hd (rev fs)) in
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 26 (Cstruct.len last));
Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct second,
Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct last
| Error e, _ -> ("failed to decode second fragment " ^ e)
| _, Error e -> ("failed to decode last fragment " ^ e)
| Ok (hdr, _payload), Ok (hdr', _payload') ->
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ (0x2000 lor 2);
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 0x42;
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 130 hdr';
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 0x42 hdr';
let fs' = Fragments.fragment ~mtu:36 hdr (Cstruct.sub payload 0 1024) in
(* 16 byte per packet -> 64 fragments (a 16 byte) *)
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 64 (List.length fs'));
let second', last' = List.hd fs', List.(hd (rev fs')) in
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 36 (Cstruct.len last'));
Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct second',
Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct last'
| Error e, _ -> ("failed to decode second fragment' " ^ e)
| _, Error e -> ("failed to decode last fragment' " ^ e)
| Ok (hdr'', _payload''), Ok (hdr''', _payload''') ->
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ (0x2000 lor 2) hdr'';
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 0x42 hdr'';
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 128 hdr''';
Alcotest.(check int __LOC__ 0x42 hdr'''

let suite = [
"unmarshal ip datagram with options", `Quick, test_unmarshal_with_options;
"unmarshal ip datagram without options", `Quick, test_unmarshal_without_options;
Expand All @@ -212,12 +251,12 @@ let suite = [
[ 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 10 ; 100 ; 1000 ; 5000 ; 10000 ] @ [
"basic reassembly", `Quick, basic_reassembly;
"basic reassembly timeout", `Quick, basic_reassembly_timeout;
"reassembly out of order", `Quick, reassembly_out_of_orfer ;
"reassembly out of order", `Quick, reassembly_out_of_order ;
"other ip flow", `Quick, basic_other_ip_flow ;
"maximum amount of fragments", `Quick, max_fragment ] @
List.mapi (fun i (packets, final) ->
Printf.sprintf "ressembly multiple %d" i, `Quick,
reassembly_multiple_out_of_orfer packets final)
reassembly_multiple_out_of_order packets final)
([ (mf, white); (2, black) ], Cstruct.concat [white;black]);
([ (mf, black); (2, white) ], Cstruct.concat [black;white]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,4 +298,6 @@ let suite = [
permutations [ (mf, gray); (4 lor mf, white); (4 lor mf, black); (6, gray)] @
permutations [ (mf, gray); (1 lor mf, white); (3 lor mf, black); (5, gray)] @
permutations [ (mf, gray); (2 lor mf, white); (4 lor mf, black); (7, gray)]
) @ [
"simple fragment", `Quick, (fun () -> Lwt.return (fragment_simple ()))

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