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Steve Gutz edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 13 revisions

Issue Labels

The OpenShift.IO project relies heavily on issue labels as a way to communicate status and responsibility.

Issue Types

Label Description
type/bug Outline of a bug - must adhere to the bug report template. If a bug is identified during a question investigation a new issue can be created for the bug and the question closed.
type/feature A feature request - must adhere to the feature request template.
type/epic A long-lived, PM-driven feature request. Must include a checklist of items that must be completed, which can reference enhancements or bugs.
type/planning Issues that are forward looking and useful for Planning.
type/question Questions that haven't been identified as being feature requests or bugs.
type/task Internal things, technical debt, and to-do tasks to be performed.
type/user-story A feature request from the users point of view. User Stories make up Epics Must include a checklist of items that must be completed, which can reference enhancements or bugs.
Bug Priorities _________________________________________________________________________
priority/P1 - Critical Issues flagged with priority/P1 have to be fixed immediately within 24 hours regardless of other work that may be going on. This situation generally arises when in the case of a failure in the deployed service and always indicates that the service is unavailable to customers (hence is having a huge impact to the business). P1 priority should be used with extreme reservations since it will cause interruption of sprint plans.
priority/P2 - High These are typical urgent issues that should be fixed as quickly as possible because they are having a significant impact on the product/business. There should be no remaining P2 issues when exiting a sprint since these issues will definitely block exiting the train.
priority/P3 - Medium Issues labelled with this priority are having a moderate impact on the business. Teams should set a goal to eliminate as many of these issues as possible during a sprint because as time passes the priority will inevitably increase and not fixing these issues could impact the exit criteria for the train. Note that it is possible to have a SEV1 defect prioritized by the business as a priority/P3 because, while serious, the issue has a low impact on end users.
priority/P4 - Normal This should be the default priority. An issue with normal priority indicates that there is definitely a problem, but it does not have to be fixed to match the exit criteria. However, this should be fixed before the train is done. Typically, some typing errors or even cosmetic errors as discussed previously could be categorized in here. Sometimes defects with priority low are also opened to suggest some enhancements in the existing design or a request to implement a small feature to enhance user experience.
Bug Severities _________________________________________________________________________
SEV1-urgent Severity 1 (urgent) A problem that severely impacts your use of the software in a production environment (such as loss of production data or in which your production systems are not functioning). The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.Can only be applied to type/bugs.
SEV2-high Severity 2 (high) A problem where the software is functioning but your use in a production environment is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.Can only be applied to type/bugs.
SEV3-medium Severity 3 (medium) A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the software in a production environment or development environment. For production environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround. For development environments, where the situation is causing your project to no longer continue or migrate into production. Can only be applied to type/bugs.
SEV4-low Severity 4 (low) A general usage question, reporting of a documentation error, or recommendation for a future product enhancement or modification. For production environments, there is low-to-no impact on your business or the performance or functionality of your system. For development environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround. Can only be applied to type/bugs.
Issue Level _________________________________________________________________________
level/beginner A relatively easy issue that's well suited to being addressed by a pull request from the community.
level/intermediate A more advanced issue that is open to a pull request from a community member with more experience.
level/advanced A challenging issue that is complicated and needs help from a community member with domain experience.
Dev Open Issue Status _________________________________________________________________________
status/analyzing An issue has been proposed and it is currently being analyzed for effort and implementation approach. Cannot overlap with “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/blocked Issue that can’t be moved forward. Must include a comment on the reason for the blockage. If it’s blocked because it depends on another issue then it should include a link to the issue it depends on.Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/code-review This issue has a pull request posted for it and is awaiting code review completion by the community. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/duplicate This issue has a pull request posted for it and is awaiting code review completion by the community. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/help-wanted An issue that is a good entry point for new contributors. It has had its specification reviewed and confirmed. Waiting for an engineer to accept the issue and take it into active development. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/in-progress This issue has been taken by an engineer and is under active development. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/info-needed More information is needed before the issue can move into the “analyzing” state for engineering. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/invalid This issue does not appear to be valid, it needs to be reevaluated, rewritten and confirmed or closed. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “open-for-dev”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/open-for-dev An issue has had its specification reviewed and confirmed. Waiting for an engineer to accept the issue and take it into active development. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “pending-merge”, or "wontfix".
status/pending-merge This issue has completed development and awaiting authorization to be merged into master. Sometimes issues can be completed, but are placed on hold to merge in"analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, or "wontfix". Issues with a pending-merge label need to reference the PR(s) that are pending.
status/wontfix This issue will not be worked or fixed, it needs to be reevaluated, rewritten and confirmed or closed. Cannot overlap with "analyzing", “blocked”, “code-review”, "duplicate", “help-wanted”, “in-progress”, “info-needed”, “invalid”, “open-for-dev”, or “pending-merge".
status/pending-qa-verification This issue is pending QA verification. Once verification is done “verified-fix-in-prod-preview” / “verified-fix-in-prod” label should be set and the issue could be closed.
Dev Open Pull Request Status _________________________________________________________________________
status/work-in-progress This PR is not ready to be merged. There is additional testing, development or input required.
status/merge-ready All reviews have been finalized. The PR can be merged into master if merges are being accepted according to sprint or milestone plan.
Roadmap labels _________________________________________________________________________
roadmap/this-RT A large scale feature or bug fix that is scheduled to be addressed in the current release train.
roadmap/next-RT A large scale feature or bug fix that is scheduled to be addressed in the next release train.
Sprint labels _________________________________________________________________________
sprint/current-sprint Issue is being worked in the current sprint.
sprint/next-sprint Issue is planned to be worked in the next sprint.
Team Assignments _________________________________________________________________________
area/analytics Issue related to analytics.
area/app-wizard Issue related to the app-wizard.
area/auth Issue related to auth and login.
area/dashboard Issue related to dashboards.
area/extensibility Issue related to extensibility.
area/navigation Issue related to the navigation.
area/pipelines Issue related to pipelines.
area/planner Issue related to the planner.
area/launcher Issue related to the launcher.
area/launcher/runtime/node.js Issue related to the node.js quickstarts.
area/launcher/runtime/spring-boot Issue related to the spring-boot quickstarts.
area/launcher/runtime/wildfly Issue related to the wildfly quickstarts.
area/launcher/runtime/vertx Issue related to the vertx quickstarts.
Pull Request Target _________________________________________________________________________
target/branch Indicates that a PR will be merged into a branch other than master. When merging to master branch target/ label should not be used as it is an assume default target for most PRs.
crucial-dep Indicates this issue is a crucial dependency for another team. Apply when an issue needs a resolution/fix by another team. When applied make sure you indicate why/which other issue this is blocking.
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