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Jane Sandberg edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Upgrading to blacklight-marc 7.2

Blacklight-marc 7.2 changed some module names and paths to better comply with zeitwerk. This leads to several considerations when upgrading from blacklight-marc 7.1 to 7.2.

  • In your app/models/solr_document.rb, change use_extension(Blacklight::Solr::Document::Marc) to use_extension(Blacklight::Marc::DocumentExtension)
  • If you are overriding app/models/concerns/blacklight/solr/document/marc.rb:
    • Evaluate if there is a better home for any of your custom code in this file. If so, move it!
    • If you still need to override anything in this file, move it to app/models/concerns/blacklight/marc/document_extension.rb
  • If you are overriding anything in app/models/concerns/blacklight/solr/document/marc_export_override.rb, move it to app/models/concerns/blacklight/marc/document/marc_export_override.rb (marc in place of solr)
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