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Releases: redkyn/assigner

Assigner 3.1.2

13 Sep 17:06
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This release changes the default Canvas column used for the git backend (i.e., Gitlab) username to login_id. It also adds a flag, --username-column to canvas import to override this default if necessary.

In addition, exception handling is once again improved, and we are now looking for bug reports if unexpected exceptions arise!

Assigner 3.1.1

01 Mar 16:16
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This release fixes a bug with assigner commit -S where changes staged for commit were not actually committed. We also officially support Python 3.9!

Assigner 3.1.0

11 Dec 16:52
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This release adds some improvements to the assigner score workflow. assigner commit now features a -S option to sign its git commits with your gpg key, allowing you to commit improvements to the CI files after an assignment has been created. A couple minor bugs have also been fixed.

Assigner 3.0.0

09 Sep 19:00
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This release features a brand new score command that lets you upload scores from an auto-grader to Canvas! It also features a few updates to various bits of documentation.

Assigner 2.0.2

04 Sep 17:29
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This release is a bugfix: Assigner can now properly parse the timestamps returned by Gitlab when running assigner status.

Assigner 2.0.1

23 Mar 21:26
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This release is a bugfix: if your terminal could only display ASCII characters, Assigner would rudely throw an exception and exit. It now gracefully falls back to using vintage ASCII art when Unicode can't be used.

Assigner 2.0.0

04 Mar 21:10
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There's a lot in this release! Most exciting is the commit and push commands which allow you to modify student repositories, for example to add a gradesheet to submitted assignments.

There are also a handful of papercuts that have been fixed, a few bugs, and some under the hood refactoring to make future modifications easier. Enjoy!

Changes from 1.2.0:

  • Added 'commit' command to commit changes to student repos
  • Added 'push' command to push commits to student repos
  • Retry clones that fail with 'Connection reset by peer' using exponential backoff
  • Offer to create GitLab group in assigner init
  • Version configuration; automatically upgrade old configs to latest version
  • Make GitLab backend configuration generic
  • Tidy up progress bars with logging output
  • Test all supported python versions (3.4-3.7) automatically
  • Added BackendBase, RepoBase, StudentRepoBase, and TemplateRepoBase.
  • Base Repos are now called Template Repos.
  • Separated Gitlab backend from most of the code. Added Base implementations for Gitlab.
  • Added requires_backend_and_config decorator with backend config option to load the desired backend.
  • Renamed config_context decorator to requires_config.
  • pyflakes 1.6.0 upgrade for type annotations fixes.
  • Improved canvas error handling.

Assigner 1.2.0

09 Feb 23:34
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This version primarily provides some performance improvements that make operating on large rosters much faster -- we're seeing about a 50% speedup in our testing. These improvements should also reduce TLS handshake errors.

We've also added a few UI tweaks: assigner status prints each student's branch names on their own line and there's now a --version flag!

Changes from 1.1.1:

  • Branch names are shown each on their own line in assigner status to make output more legible
  • Send GitLab authentication token in HTTP header rather than request parameters
  • Print informative message if git is not installed
  • Use a shared HTTPS session for API calls to speed up operations
  • Add --version flag to Assigner

Assigner 1.1.1

04 Feb 21:11
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Version 1.1.0 introduced a bug where assigner get failed to clone new repositories. That bug is now fixed.

Assigner 1.1.0!

24 Jan 14:58
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We've added a --open flag to assign which assigns and opens assignments in one step. It's handy for assigning homework to new students who added the class after the assignment was posted.

We've also fixed a bug where attempting to open an assignment twice for a student resulted in an exception.

Changes from 1.0.0:

  • Warn when an assignment is already open for a student when running open
  • Calling assign with the --open flag assigns and opens an assignment in one step
  • Removed remaining lint as specified by pylint.
  • Removed old baserepo standalone code.
  • Added Travis CI config for pylint and pyflakes.
  • Added unittest scaffolding with nose
  • Added AssignerTestCase, tests for assigner, assigner get, and all --help uses.