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##TCS Cargo Monitoring Predix Data Ingestion Service

Welcome to the Predix Data Ingestion Service. This service is focused on receiving a request to store Timeseries Data and sending it to the Timeseries service. It is part of the Data Ingestion Pipeline where a lookup is performed for an AssetId, accessing metadata about each Timeseries Meter. The metadata will hold the required info needed to post the data to the Predix Timeseries database.

###Ingestion Flow Data Flows from the MachineDataSimulator or a physical Asset via Predix Machine to the HTTP-DataRiverReceiver in the cloud. The Timeseries Ingester takes over from there, looks up the Asset Meter meta-info which provides the info needed to post the data to the Predix Timeseries service.

##Asset Model This service is part of the Predix Reference App. Since Predix Asset comes with an empty database, the Reference App creates a data 'model' depicted below, which sets up entities and attributes for Groups, Classifications, Assets and Meters.

The model has these characteristics:

  • A Turbine, for example, is Modeled as a Classification
  • (future)A Device, such as a Honeywell Controller, is modeled as a Classification
  • A Device is hooked to Predix Machine and a data Node retrieves data using an Adapter.
  • A Predix Machine can talk to many Devices on many Industrial Machines
  • A Meter represents a Timeseries Data parameter, either raw sensor data or calculated data
  • (future)A DeviceAsset is an instance of a Device classification and has DeviceMeter instance attributes
  • An AssetGroup can be a location (Site,Plant,etc) or an entity(Enterprise,City,County) that logically holds a set of Assets
  • An Asset is an instance of a Classification and has singleValue Attributes as well as AssetMeter instance attributes
  • AssetMeter knows of it's Unit of Measure and also has a key to several Datasources DeviceMeter ID Node ID Timeseries Tag ID
  • (future)A Field further describes any Attribute for purposes such as DataIngestion, UI, DataBinding for FederatedQuery, Analytics
  • (future)A Field has a FieldSource that describes how or where the data is stored for an Attribute
  • (future)A Field has a FieldStrategy Handler uri that knows how to retrieve or store data from/to a FieldSource
  • (future)A MachineAsset is be modeled to navigate from the Machine Id to the Devices and Assets

##Tech Stack

  • Spring
  • SpringBoot
  • SpringTest
  • Maven


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This a part of the Locomotive application







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