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Amortized Nonmyopic Bayesian Optimization in the Dynamic Cost Settings


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Amortized Nonmyopic Bayesian Optimization in the Dynamic Cost Settings

This repository implements the paper Amortized Nonmyopic Bayesian Optimization in Dynamic Cost Settings. This method addresses the problem of myopic decision-making, which can lead to local optima. Our method aims to provide decision-makers with the ability to consider future outcomes, resulting in more intelligent decision-making.

We experiment with the following acquisition functions: multi-step H-entropy search (via Monte Carlo integration or Thompson sampling), multi-step trees, simple regret, expected improvement, probability of improvement, upper confidence bound, and knowledge gradient. There are two main experiments. First, we consider multiple synthetic functions with various input dimensions: 2D (Ackley, Alpine, Beale, Branin, EggHolder, Griewank, HolderTable, Levy, SixHumpCamel, StyblinskiTang, and SynGP), 4D (Powell), 6D (Hartmann), and 8D (Cosine8). In addition, we also consider real-world experiments where we optimize protein sequences to maximize a protein's desirable properties, such as the fluorescent level.

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pip install -r requirements.txt

Experiment 1: Optimization of Synthetic Functions

The online experiment is simulated in synthetic_experiment/ Starting with initialized data points in the buffer, a Gaussian process regressor is constructed as a surrogate model to guide the decision-making of the actor (in synthetic_experiment/ in querying the next observed data point. This data point is chosen to maximize the value of an acquisition function (in synthetic_experiment/ An amortized network (in, which is also known as the policy network, can be utilized to reduce the number of parameters when optimizing the acquisition function. The observed data point will be added to the buffer. The buffer is then used to update the surrogate model and guide the actor in collecting more data until the experiment is terminated according to the budget or some information criteria.

Some arguments in this function are the following: seed specifies the seed value for random number generation. task indicates the type of task on which we run the experiment, which can be top-k or level-set. env_name specifies the name of the synthetic function that is used as the oracle, such as alpine or ackley. Other arguments include env_noise, which adds observation noise to the scores, with possible values like 0.0 or 0.1. The env_discretized argument determines if the embedding space is continuous or discretized. The algo argument selects the acquisition function used in the experiment, while cost_fn specifies the cost function, with distance metrics like euclidean or manhattan. plot is a true/false boolean that decides whether to plot the loss during training. The gpu_id argument allows you to specify the GPU ID if they are visible. Setting export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,5 will influence this option and assign gpu_id=0 to device 2, gpu_id=1 to device 5. Lastly, the cont argument controls whether a started experiment should be resumed( True ) or not (False). Our example configuration is

python --seed 2 --task topk --env_name Ackley --env_noise 0.01 --env_discretized False --algo HES-TS-AM-1 --cost_fn euclidean --plot True --gpu_id 0 --cont False

Evaluation metrics, such as regret, are computed after the online experiment is complete: we use the same set of arguments to draw its metrics.

python --seed 2 --task topk --env_name Ackley --env_noise 0.01 --env_discretized False --algo HES-TS-AM-1 --cost_fn euclidean --plot True --gpu_id 0 --cont False

After that, to visualize those metrics, one can simply run the following script:


One can scale up the experiment in parallel painlessly with WandB sweep. First, run the below command to get the command to start sweep agent(s).

wandb sweep wnb_configs/full.yaml

The result will look like "wandb agent your_name/nonmyopia/some_text". To start a single sweep agent.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 wandb agent your_name/nonmyopia/some_text &

To start more agents, simply rerun the above command for different terminals/servers. You can start as many sweep agents as your server can handle.

Experiment 2: Optimization of Protein Sequence Property

The oracle in this semi-synthetic experiment is a linear model of the embedding space of the protein sequence. It emulates the outcome measurement from a wet lab experiment. The surrogate model is a linear model trained on the currently available dataset. The policy is a large language model (LLM) that is optimized via PPO to generate sequences with high acquisition values. To select the most suited embedding model, we experiment with various well-known LLMs, such as meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf, meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B, mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1, google/gemma-7b, zjunlp/llama-molinst-protein-7b. We first embedded our dataset with various models and then ran the script below. One can compare as many models as they like by specifying a list of models.

python test/ \
    --seed 2 \
    --datasets ura-hcmut/proteinea_fluorescence-Llama-2-7b-hf-embedding ura-hcmut/proteinea_fluorescence-Mistral-7B-v0.1-embedding ura-hcmut/proteinea_fluorescence-Meta-Llama-3-8B-embedding \
    --models LLaMa-2 Mistral LLaMa-3 \
    --output_dir results

Please note that this script does only accept embedded datasets that contain two columns, inputs_embeds and rewards.

To run the full pipeline, you might want to first look at full_pipeline.yaml. In this file, you must pay attention to ‘’’ dataset: This is the Huggingface repository of the dataset. Note that the dataset should contain text and reward columns. algo: Which acquisition function you want to use. embedding_model_name_or_path: Huggingface repo of model used as embedding policy_model_name_or_path: Huggingface repo of model used as generator output_dir: Path to store all results. ‘’’ Then, you need to look at ppo.yaml. In this file, please pay attention to

model_name_or_path: Huggingface repo of model used as a generator
output_dir: Path to store model checkpoints when running PPO.

Finally, you can run the code by using the below command

python --config <config_file>

Currently, we have 6 configuration files. Each file is corresponding to each acquisition function. H-EntropySearch: configs/hes_ts_am.yaml Expected Improvement: configs/ei.yaml Simple Regret: configs/sr.yaml Probability of Improvement: configs/pi.yaml Upper Confidence Bound: configs/ucb.yaml Knowledge Gradient: configs/kg.yaml

To start WandB sweep, please follow the same procedure as those in synthetic experiments. The WandB configuration file is at sequence_design/wnb_configs/full.yaml


Amortized Nonmyopic Bayesian Optimization in the Dynamic Cost Settings








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