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Build Status

Gibberish generates pronounceable passwords that are easy-to-remember and hard-to-guess. Gibberish can also generate pseudo english passphrases.


In order to build Gibberish, you will need

  • GHC (tested on 9.6.2), or
  • Nix (tested on 2.18.1)


Gibberish is on Hackage. The gibber executable can be installed with cabal-install:

cabal install gibberish

Alternatively, binary distributions are available for x86_64 linux and windows:

Unfortunately I don't have access to macOS or aarch64. If you can help me build binaries for those platforms, please open an issue!


The gibber executable can be built with cabal-install:

cabal build

On Nix, the it can be built with:

nix build


Genarate a list of passwords:

gibber <length>

Generate random phrases (1 per line):

gibber --passphrases <min-length> <max-length>

To see all available options:

gibber --help

API Documentation

The full API documentation is on hackage at The documentation can also be built with:

cabal haddock

API Example

Gibberish can be used to generate words or phrases in Haskell code. For example: generate a word by using Data.Gibberish:

import Data.Gibberish
import Data.Text (Text ())
-- Generate a word of length 10
fooGen :: IO Text
fooGen = do
  gen <- getStdGen
  trigraph <- loadTrigraph English

  let opts =
        { woptsCapitals = False,
          woptsDigits = False,
          woptsSpecials = False,
          woptsTrigraph = trigraph,
          woptsLength = 10

  let (word, _) = usingPass gen (genPassword opts)
  pure (unWord word)


Sean Gillespie [email protected]


Gibberish is based on Tom Van Vleck's work on 3rd order approximation to english for generating passwords. Gibberish is based on his javascript generator.


Gibberish is licensed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE for details