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HEP Delivery to multiple Profiles

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 2 revisions

HEP Forking

CaptAgent 6.x can selectively send or fork HEP traffic to multiple destinations using profiles and captureplan logic. In this fictional, we'll instruct our agent to send each SIP message to two separate HEP Servers at once.

HEP Transport

In our configuration directory, edit trasport_hep.xml and add/clone a second "profile" with a unique name (in this example homersocket) and custom HEP and IP target parameters:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent_module/xml">
    <module name="transport_hep" description="HEP Protocol" serial="2014010402">
	<profile name="hepsocket" description="Transport HEP" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
		<param name="version" value="3"/>
		<param name="capture-host" value=""/>
		<param name="capture-port" value="9063"/>
		<param name="capture-proto" value="udp"/>
		<param name="capture-id" value="2001"/>
		<param name="capture-password" value="myhep"/>
		<param name="payload-compression" value="false"/>
	<profile name="homersocker" description="Transport HEP" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
		<param name="version" value="3"/>
		<param name="capture-host" value=""/>
		<param name="capture-port" value="9060"/>
		<param name="capture-proto" value="udp"/>
		<param name="capture-id" value="2001"/>
		<param name="capture-password" value="myhep"/>
		<param name="payload-compression" value="false"/>

Once created, the new HEP profile can be used dynamically in capture plans. In this example, we'll use the SIP captureplan locate at captureplans/sip_capture_plan.cfg - locate the following block:

	if(!send_hep("hepsocket")) {
	    clog("ERROR", "Error sending HEP SERVER 1!!!!");

Clone it and use the new profile function:

	if(!send_hep("homersocket")) {
	    clog("ERROR", "Error sending HEP SERVER 2!!!!");


To activate the new configuration, save and restart your captagent instance or service.