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Twitter Profile Sentiment Analyzer


I have built this using a model with two microservices: a Flask server for backend operations and a Streamlit server for frontend operations. The Flask server handles data processing and sentiment analysis, while the Streamlit server provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the application.

Streamlit Server


Setup and Deployment

  1. Install Dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start the Server :
streamlit run

Flask Server

Flask Server Architecture

  1. User Input : The user provides a Twitter username through the Streamlit interface.

  2. Flask Endpoint : The username is sent to the Flask server endpoint /get_sentimentanalysis_overall.

  3. Scraper Module : The Flask server calls the scraper.main(username) function to scrape the latest tweets from the provided username.

  4. Data Processing : The scraped tweets are processed using various utility functions in

  5. Sentiment Analysis : The processed tweets are analyzed for sentiment using a pre-trained model.

  6. Response : The average sentiment score and corresponding sentiment label (Positive, Neutral, Negative) are returned to the Streamlit interface.

Endpoints :

  • GET / : Returns the homepage.

  • POST /get_sentimentanalysis_overall : Accepts a Twitter username and returns the average sentiment score and label.

Modules Descriptions

  • : Main entry point for the Flask server.

  • : Contains utility functions for data cleaning and sentiment analysis.

  • : Handles scraping tweets from Twitter.

Utility Functions

  • valuetofeeling(i) : Converts a sentiment score to a textual representation.

  • cleanREGEX(raw) : Cleans raw text using regex to remove HTML tags and special characters.

  • deEmojify(x) : Removes emojis from the text.

  • remove_punct(text) : Removes punctuation and numbers from the text.

  • lower_case(df) : Converts text to lowercase.

  • cleaner(df) : Applies a series of cleaning functions to the dataframe.

  • sentimentanalyze(tweet) : Analyzes the sentiment of a tweet.

  • load_saved_artifacts() : Loads the pre-trained model and vectorizer from disk.