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Quick Csv reader which performs very well.

This library has been hugely inspired by Andrew Gallant's (@BurntSuchi) excellent rust-csv. In particular, most tests and benchmarks are a simple copy-paste from there.



First, create a Csv from a BufRead reader, a file or a string

extern crate quick_csv;

fn main() {
    let data = "a,b\r\nc,d\r\ne,f";
    let csv = quick_csv::Csv::from_string(data);
    for row in csv.into_iter() {
        // work on csv row ...
        if let Ok(_) = row {
            println!("new row!");
        } else {
            println!("cannot read next line");

Row is on the other hand provides 3 methods to access csv columns:

  • columns:

    • iterator over columns.
    • Iterator item is a &str, which means you only have to parse() it to the needed type and you're done
    let row = quick_csv::Csv::from_string("a,b,c,d,e,38,f").next().unwrap().unwrap();
    let mut cols = row.columns().expect("cannot convert to utf8");
    let fifth = cols.nth(5).unwrap().parse::<f64>().unwrap();
    println!("Doubled fifth column: {}", fifth * 2.0);
  • decode:

    • deserialize into you Decodable struct, a-la rust-csv.
    • most convenient way to deal with your csv data
    let row = quick_csv::Csv::from_string("a,b,54").next().unwrap().unwrap();
    if let Ok((col1, col2, col3)) = row.decode::<(String, u64, f64)>() {
        println!("col1: '{}', col2: {}, col3: {}", col1, col2, col3);
  • bytes_columns:

    • similar to columns but columns are of type &[u8], which means you may want to convert it to &str first
    • performance gain compared to columns is minimal, use it only if you really need to as it is less convenient



I mainly benchmarked this to rust-csv, which is supposed to be already very fast. I tried to provide similar methods even if I don't have raw version.

Normal bench

test bytes_records   ... bench:   3,955,041 ns/iter (+/- 95,122) = 343 MB/s
test decoded_records ... bench:  10,133,448 ns/iter (+/- 151,735) = 133 MB/s
test str_records     ... bench:   4,419,434 ns/iter (+/- 104,107) = 308 MB/s

rust-csv (0.14.3)
test byte_records    ... bench:  10,528,780 ns/iter (+/- 2,080,735) = 128 MB/s
test decoded_records ... bench:  18,458,365 ns/iter (+/- 2,415,059) = 73 MB/s
test raw_records     ... bench:   6,555,447 ns/iter (+/- 830,423) = 207 MB/s
test string_records  ... bench:  12,813,284 ns/iter (+/- 2,324,424) = 106 MB/s

Bench large

With the 3.6GB file, as described in the bench large README:

go:        187 seconds
rust-csv:   23 seconds
quick-csv:   9 seconds


When writing this, quick-csv is the fastest csv on csv-game
