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vim config info

This could be out of date. checkout the vimrc



   "*p to paste from system copy buffer
   use ^P/^N in insert mode to complete words
   ^] to jump to tags
   ^W s,^W v - split windows
   gt/gT switching between tabs (or use mappings below)
   f<letter> / t<letter> - jump to next letter or before letter
   gv - highlight last visual
   gg=G - Indent the whole file *********
   gc - comment
   ^c^c - slime

   For trac.vim:
               :TWOpen <WikiPage>    - Open the wiki View
               :TWSave "<Comment>"   - Saves the Active Wiki Page

   <Leader>      => \
   <LocalLeader> => ,

   NERDTree and Taglist:
      " ,tt will toggle taglist on and off
      nmap <LocalLeader>tt :Tlist<cr>
      " ,nn will toggle NERDTree on and off
      nmap <LocalLeader>nn :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
      nmap ,nn :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
      map <leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<cr>

About my vim setup

My vim configuration. I put all of this in $HOME/.vim. I then make a link from $HOME/.vim/vimrc to $HOME/.vimrc

The rest is pulled from vimrc... It will always have the most up-to-date info, so check it rather than this README for details and references.

Based on many different vimrc files including the one from [email protected] as well as

Uses many plugins including

Also see