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Hubble Commander

lines of code codecov CI E2E Test


path description
commander Main application struct
config Config loading code
contracts Smart contract wrappers
utils Utilities
models Repository of types
storage Storage
bls BLS Signature library
bls/sdk BLS Wrapper for Mobile client
db Database abstraction
api API Package
eth Ethereum client
main Command line interface
e2e End-to-end tests


Contract bindings

In order to generate Go bindings for smart contracts abigen tool needs to be installed locally. It comes along with Geth which can be installed on macOS using:

brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum

For other environments refer to:

You also need python3 installed:


For the lint script to work golangci-lint must be installed locally. On macOS run:

brew install golangci-lint
brew upgrade golangci-lint

mdBook documentation

The documentation server requires Rust and mdBook to be installed.

To install Rust and Cargo on MacOS, type the following:

brew install rust

Then install mdBook and mdbook-toc preprocessor with Cargo:

cargo install mdbook mdbook-toc

Afterwards, run the server:

make run-docs

For other environments refer to:

Running the commander

The commander can be started by running the binary with a start subcommand, e.g. commander start, and it requires deployed smart contracts to work. It can connect to said smart contracts by fetching their addresses either from a chain spec file or from an already running commander. The path to a chain spec file and the url of a remote commander node can be set in the config file ( see commander-config.example.yaml file for reference) or with env variables:

# Environment variables

The smart contracts can be deployed by using the binary with a deploy subcommand, e.g. commander deploy. The subcommand uses its own config (see deployer-config.example.yaml file for reference). After a successful deployment, a chain spec file will be generated which can be used to start the commander. Additionally, the path to a chain spec file can be provided with file flag, e.g. commander deploy -file chain-spec.yaml.


There is a number of scripts defined in the Makefile:

  • make install - install Go dependencies
  • make clean - remove build artifacts
  • make clean-testcache - remove cached test results
  • make compile - build artifacts
  • make generate - generate bindings for smart contracts
  • make build - clean and build artifacts
  • make start-geth-locally - start a new instance of Go-Ethereum node
  • make setup-geth - create and run a Docker container with Go-Ethereum node
  • make update-contracts - update the hubble-contracts git submodule
  • make deploy - deploys the smart contracts and generates chain-spec.yaml file required for running the commander
  • make run - run the compiled binary with start flag
  • make run-dev - run-prune without transaction signature validation
  • make start-dev - deploy and run-dev
  • make export-state - exports state leaves to a file
  • make export-accounts - exports accounts to a file
  • make lint - run linter
  • make test - run all unit tests (excluding tests with dependency on Hardhat node)
  • make run-docs - render and preview docs by serving it via HTTP
  • make clean-docs - delete the generated docs and any other build artifacts

Other scripts defined in the Makefile file are used on the CI.

Running commander with Go-Ethereum (Geth)

Start local Geth either natively or with Docker:

# Starts native Geth
make start-geth-locally

# Starts Geth in Docker container
make setup-geth

Use the following config to make commander scripts connect to the local node:


Deploy smart contracts:

make deploy

Start commander:

make run

Running commander image on Docker for Mac

Create .env.docker file and set necessary env variables:


Create chain-spec directory with:

mkdir chain-spec

Then run this command to deploy the smart contracts and create a chain spec file:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/chain-spec:/go/src/app/chain-spec -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env.docker deploy -file /go/src/app/chain-spec/chain-spec.yaml

Afterwards, run this to start the commander:

docker run -it -v $(pwd)/chain-spec:/go/src/app/chain-spec -p 8080:8080 --env-file .env.docker start

Running E2E tests and benchmarks

Start Geth in a separate terminal window:

make start-geth-locally
# OR
make setup-geth

Run E2E tests:

go test -v -tags e2e ./e2e

Run E2E benchmarks:

go test -v -tags e2e ./e2e/bench -timeout 1200s

Running HardHat tests

Run unit tests that are dependent on HardHat:

go test -v -tags hardhat ./bls/hardhat

Running locally

Step 1. Build the Hubble commander container image:

docker build --tag hubble .

Step 2. Start a fresh Geth testnet instance (keep running in background).

docker run --rm -t -p 8545-8546:8545-8546 ethereum/client-go:stable \
    --dev --dev.period=1 --http --http.addr= --ws --ws.addr=

Step 3. Fund the Hubble deployer/operator Ethereum account.

docker run --rm -t ethereum/client-go:stable \
    attach ws://docker.for.mac.localhost:8546 \
    --exec 'eth.sendTransaction({ 
        from:  eth.accounts[0],
        to:    "0xCd2a3d9f938e13Cd947eC05ABC7fe734df8DD826", 
        value: web3.toWei(1000, "ether") 

Step 4. Deploy contracts on Ethereum node using genesis.yaml and generate chain-spec.yaml.

touch chain-spec.yaml
docker run --rm -ti \
    -e HUBBLE_ETHEREUM_RPC_URL=ws://docker.for.mac.localhost:8546 \
    -e HUBBLE_ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY=c85ef7d79691fe79573b1a7064c19c1a9819ebdbd1faaab1a8ec92344438aaf4 \
    -v $(pwd)/genesis.yaml:/genesis.yaml:ro \
    -v $(pwd)/chain-spec.yaml:/chain-spec.yaml:rw \
    hubble deploy

Step 5. Run Hubble commander on Ethereum node with chain-spec.yaml

docker run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 \
    -e HUBBLE_ETHEREUM_RPC_URL=ws://docker.for.mac.localhost:8546 \
    -e HUBBLE_ETHEREUM_PRIVATE_KEY=c85ef7d79691fe79573b1a7064c19c1a9819ebdbd1faaab1a8ec92344438aaf4 \
    -e HUBBLE_API_AUTHENTICATION_KEY=89ca4560ec5925f271359196972d762d \
    -e HUBBLE_BOOTSTRAP_CHAIN_SPEC_PATH=/chain-spec.yaml \
    -v $(pwd)/chain-spec.yaml:/chain-spec.yaml:ro \


To profile batch creation run this command:

go test -cpuprofile -v -tags e2e -run BenchmarkTransactionsSuite/TestBenchMixedCommander ./e2e/bench

To profile batch syncing run this command:

go test -cpuprofile -v -tags e2e -run BenchmarkTransactionsSuite/TestBenchSyncCommander ./e2e/bench