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Gold856 committed Aug 1, 2024
1 parent d337320 commit 23d3351
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Showing 3 changed files with 11 additions and 455 deletions.
166 changes: 4 additions & 162 deletions source/docs/software/commandbased/pid-subsystems-commands.rst
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@@ -1,169 +1,11 @@
.. include:: <isonum.txt>

PID Control through PIDSubsystems and PIDCommands
PID Control through PIDCommands

.. note:: For a description of the WPILib PID control features used by these command-based wrappers, see :ref:`docs/software/advanced-controls/controllers/pidcontroller:PID Control in WPILib`.

One of the most common control algorithms used in FRC\ |reg| is the :term:`PID` controller. WPILib offers its own :ref:`PIDController <docs/software/advanced-controls/controllers/pidcontroller:PID Control in WPILib>` class to help teams implement this functionality on their robots. To further help teams integrate PID control into a command-based robot project, the command-based library includes two convenience wrappers for the ``PIDController`` class: ``PIDSubsystem``, which integrates the PID controller into a subsystem, and ``PIDCommand``, which integrates the PID controller into a command.


The ``PIDSubsystem`` class (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__) allows users to conveniently create a subsystem with a built-in ``PIDController``. In order to use the ``PIDSubsystem`` class, users must create a subclass of it.

Creating a PIDSubsystem

.. note:: If ``periodic`` is overridden when inheriting from ``PIDSubsystem``, make sure to call ``super.periodic()``! Otherwise, PID functionality will not work properly.

When subclassing ``PIDSubsystem``, users must override two abstract methods to provide functionality that the class will use in its ordinary operation:


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.. tab-item:: Java
:sync: Java

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:lines: 85

.. tab-item:: C++
:sync: C++

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:lines: 80-80

The ``getMeasurement`` method returns the current measurement of the process variable. The ``PIDSubsystem`` will automatically call this method from its ``periodic()`` block, and pass its value to the control loop.

Users should override this method to return whatever sensor reading they wish to use as their process variable measurement.


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:sync: Java

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:language: java
:lines: 78

.. tab-item:: C++
:sync: C++

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:language: c++
:lines: 88-88

The ``useOutput()`` method consumes the output of the PID controller, and the current setpoint (which is often useful for computing a feedforward). The ``PIDSubsystem`` will automatically call this method from its ``periodic()`` block, and pass it the computed output of the control loop.

Users should override this method to pass the final computed control output to their subsystem's motors.

Passing In the Controller

Users must also pass in a ``PIDController`` to the ``PIDSubsystem`` base class through the superclass constructor call of their subclass. This serves to specify the PID gains, as well as the period (if the user is using a non-standard main robot loop period).

Additional modifications (e.g. enabling continuous input) can be made to the controller in the constructor body by calling ``getController()``.

Using a PIDSubsystem

Once an instance of a ``PIDSubsystem`` subclass has been created, it can be used by commands through the following methods:


The ``setSetpoint()`` method can be used to set the setpoint of the ``PIDSubsystem``. The subsystem will automatically track to the setpoint using the defined output:

.. tab-set-code::

.. code-block:: java
// The subsystem will track to a setpoint of 5.
.. code-block:: c++

// The subsystem will track to a setpoint of 5.

enable() and disable()

The ``enable()`` and ``disable()`` methods enable and disable the PID control of the ``PIDSubsystem``. When the subsystem is enabled, it will automatically run the control loop and track the setpoint. When it is disabled, no control is performed.

Additionally, the ``enable()`` method resets the internal ``PIDController``, and the ``disable()`` method calls the user-defined `useOutput()`_ method with both output and setpoint set to ``0``.

Full PIDSubsystem Example

What does a ``PIDSubsystem`` look like when used in practice? The following examples are taken from the FrisbeeBot example project (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__):

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:sync: Java

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:sync: C++ (Header)

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.. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
:sync: C++ (Source)

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Using a ``PIDSubsystem`` with commands can be very simple:

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.. tab-item:: Java
:sync: Java

.. remoteliteralinclude::
:language: java
:lines: 26-27, 80-87

.. tab-item:: C++
:sync: C++ (Header)

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:language: c++
:lines: 45-49
:lineno-start: 45

.. tab-item:: C++ (Source)
:sync: C++ (Source)

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:language: c++
:lines: 25-31
:lineno-start: 25
One of the most common control algorithms used in FRC\ |reg| is the :term:`PID` controller. WPILib offers its own :ref:`PIDController <docs/software/advanced-controls/controllers/pidcontroller:PID Control in WPILib>` class to help teams implement this functionality on their robots. To further help teams integrate PID control into a command-based robot project, the command-based library includes a convenience wrapper for the ``PIDController`` class: ``PIDCommand``, which integrates the PID controller into a command.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,7 +51,7 @@ When subclassing ``PIDCommand``, additional modifications (e.g. enabling continu

The ``measurementSource`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that returns the measurement of the process variable. Passing in the ``measurementSource`` function in ``PIDCommand`` is functionally analogous to overriding the `getMeasurement()`_ function in ``PIDSubsystem``.
The ``measurementSource`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that returns the measurement of the process variable.

When subclassing ``PIDCommand``, advanced users may further modify the measurement supplier by modifying the class's ``m_measurement`` field.

Expand All @@ -223,7 +65,7 @@ When subclassing ``PIDCommand``, advanced users may further modify the setpoint

The ``useOutput`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that consumes the output and setpoint of the control loop. Passing in the ``useOutput`` function in ``PIDCommand`` is functionally analogous to overriding the `useOutput()`_ function in ``PIDSubsystem``.
The ``useOutput`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that consumes the output and setpoint of the control loop.

When subclassing ``PIDCommand``, advanced users may further modify the output consumer by modifying the class's ``m_useOutput`` field.

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139 changes: 4 additions & 135 deletions source/docs/software/commandbased/profile-subsystems-commands.rst
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Motion Profiling through TrapezoidProfileSubsystems and TrapezoidProfileCommands
Motion Profiling through TrapezoidProfileCommands

.. note:: For a description of the WPILib motion profiling features used by these command-based wrappers, see :ref:`docs/software/advanced-controls/controllers/trapezoidal-profiles:Trapezoidal Motion Profiles in WPILib`.
Expand All @@ -7,138 +7,7 @@ Motion Profiling through TrapezoidProfileSubsystems and TrapezoidProfileCommands

When controlling a mechanism, is often desirable to move it smoothly between two positions, rather than to abruptly change its setpoint. This is called "motion-profiling," and is supported in WPILib through the ``TrapezoidProfile`` class (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__).

To further help teams integrate motion profiling into their command-based robot projects, WPILib includes two convenience wrappers for the ``TrapezoidProfile`` class: ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem``, which automatically generates and executes motion profiles in its ``periodic()`` method, and the ``TrapezoidProfileCommand``, which executes a single user-provided ``TrapezoidProfile``.


.. note:: In C++, the ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` class is templated on the unit type used for distance measurements, which may be angular or linear. The passed-in values *must* have units consistent with the distance units, or a compile-time error will be thrown. For more information on C++ units, see :ref:`docs/software/basic-programming/cpp-units:The C++ Units Library`.

The ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` class (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__) will automatically create and execute trapezoidal motion profiles to reach the user-provided goal state. To use the ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` class, users must create a subclass of it.

Creating a TrapezoidProfileSubsystem

.. note:: If ``periodic`` is overridden when inheriting from ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem``, make sure to call ``super.periodic()``! Otherwise, motion profiling functionality will not work properly.

When subclassing ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem``, users must override a single abstract method to provide functionality that the class will use in its ordinary operation:


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:sync: Java

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:language: java
:lines: 105-105

.. tab-item:: C++
:sync: C++

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:language: c++
:lines: 75-75

The ``useState()`` method consumes the current state of the motion profile. The ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` will automatically call this method from its ``periodic()`` block, and pass it the motion profile state corresponding to the subsystem's current progress through the motion profile.

Users may do whatever they want with this state; a typical use case (as shown in the `Full TrapezoidProfileSubsystem Example`_) is to use the state to obtain a setpoint and a feedforward for an external "smart" motor controller.

Constructor Parameters

Users must pass in a set of ``TrapezoidProfile.Constraints`` to the ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` base class through the superclass constructor call of their subclass. This serves to constrain the automatically-generated profiles to a given maximum velocity and acceleration.

Users must also pass in an initial position for the mechanism.

Advanced users may pass in an alternate value for the loop period, if a non-standard main loop period is being used.

Using a TrapezoidProfileSubsystem

Once an instance of a ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` subclass has been created, it can be used by commands through the following methods:


.. note:: If you wish to set the goal to a simple distance with an implicit target velocity of zero, an overload of ``setGoal()`` exists that takes a single distance value, rather than a full motion profile state.

The ``setGoal()`` method can be used to set the goal state of the ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem``. The subsystem will automatically execute a profile to the goal, passing the current state at each iteration to the provided `useState()`_ method.

.. tab-set-code::

.. code-block:: java
// The subsystem will execute a profile to a position of 5 and a velocity of 3.
examplePIDSubsystem.setGoal(new TrapezoidProfile.State(5, 3);
.. code-block:: c++
// The subsystem will execute a profile to a position of 5 meters and a velocity of 3 mps.
examplePIDSubsyste.SetGoal({5_m, 3_mps});
enable() and disable()
The ``enable()`` and ``disable()`` methods enable and disable the motion profiling control of the ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem``. When the subsystem is enabled, it will automatically run the control loop and call ``useState()`` periodically. When it is disabled, no control is performed.
Full TrapezoidProfileSubsystem Example
What does a ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` look like when used in practice? The following examples are taking from the ArmbotOffobard example project (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__):
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:sync: C++ (Source)
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:lineno-start: 5
Using a ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` with commands can be quite simple:
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.. tab-item:: Java
:sync: Java
.. remoteliteralinclude::
:language: java
:lines: 52-58
:lineno-start: 52
.. tab-item:: C++
:sync: C++
.. remoteliteralinclude::
:language: c++
:lines: 25-30
:lineno-start: 25
To further help teams integrate motion profiling into their command-based robot projects, WPILib includes a convenience wrapper for the ``TrapezoidProfile`` class: ``TrapezoidProfileCommand``, which executes a single user-provided ``TrapezoidProfile``.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,7 +53,7 @@ The ``profile`` parameter is the ``TrapezoidProfile`` object that will be execut

The ``output`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that consumes the output and setpoint of the control loop. Passing in the ``useOutput`` function in ``PIDCommand`` is functionally analogous to overriding the `useState()`_ function in ``PIDSubsystem``.
The ``output`` parameter is a function (usually passed as a :ref:`lambda <docs/software/commandbased/index:Lambda Expressions (Java)>`) that consumes the output and setpoint of the control loop.

Expand All @@ -204,7 +73,7 @@ Like all inlineable commands, ``TrapezoidProfileCommand`` allows the user to spe
Full TrapezoidProfileCommand Example

What does a ``TrapezoidProfileSubsystem`` look like when used in practice? The following examples are taking from the DriveDistanceOffboard example project (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__):
What does a ``TrapezoidProfileCommand`` look like when used in practice? The following examples are taking from the DriveDistanceOffboard example project (`Java <>`__, `C++ <>`__):

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