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5 - Stage Pipelined Mips Processor


This document outlines the specifications for a custom Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The ISA manages a basic processor with features including general-purpose registers, a program counter, stack pointer, condition code registers, and input-output ports. The instruction cache bus is 16 bits wide, and the memory address bus is 32 bits wide. The processor operates with a 5-stage pipeline, consisting of the stages: fetch, decode, execute, memory, and writeback.


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General Purpose Registers

R[0:7]<31:0>: Eight 32-bit general-purpose registers (R0 to R7).

Special Purpose Registers

PC<31:0>: 32-bit Program Counter, points to the next instruction to be executed.

SP<31:0>: 32-bit Stack Pointer, points to the top of the stack.

CCR<3:0>: Condition Code Register, holds the status flags.

  1. Z (Zero flag): Set if the result of an arithmetic or logical operation is zero.
  2. N (Negative flag): Set if the result of an operation is negative.
  3. C (Carry flag): Set if there is a carry out from the most significant bit in an arithmetic operation.
  4. O (Overflow flag): Set if there is an overflow in arithmetic operations.


IN_PORT<31:0>: 32-bit data input port.

OUT_PORT<31:0>: 32-bit data output port.

INT_In<0>: Single, non-maskable interrupt signal.

RESET_IN<0>: Reset signal, initializes the processor.

Exception_out<0>: Raised in cases of overflow or when accessing a protected memory address.


Assembler can be found here

Arithmetic Operations Description
MOV Rdst, Rsrc R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc];
SWAP Rdst, Rsrc R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc]; R[Rsrc] ← R[Rdst];
ADD Rdst, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] + R[Rsrc2];
ADDI Rdst, Rsrc1, Imm R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] + {Imm<15>,Imm<15:0>};
SUB Rdst, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] - R[Rsrc2];
SUBI Rdst, Rsrc1, Imm R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] - {Imm<15>,Imm<15:0>};
AND Rdst, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] AND R[Rsrc2];
OR Rdst, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] OR R[Rsrc2];
XOR Rdst, Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rdst] ← R[Rsrc1] XOR R[Rsrc2];
CMP Rsrc1, Rsrc2 R[Rsrc1] - R[Rsrc2];
Memory Operations Description
PUSH Rdst DataMemory[SP--] ← R[Rdst];
POP Rdst R[Rdst] ← DataMemory[++SP];
LDM Rdst, Imm R[Rdst]←{0,Imm<15:0>};
LDD Rdst, EA(Rsrc1) R[Rdst]←M[EA+R[Rsrc1]];
STD Rdst, EA(Rsrc1) M[EA+R[Rsrc1]]←R[Rsrc];
PROTECT Rsrc Protects the memory location pointed to by the source register from being modified.
FREE Rsrc Frees a protected memory location pointed to by the source register and resets its content.
Branching Operations Description
JZ Rdst If(Z=1): PC ← R[Rdst]; (Z=0);
JMP Rdst PC ← R[Rdst];
CALL Rdst DataMemory[SP] ← PC + 1; SP -= 2; PC ← R[Rdst];
RET SP += 2; PC ← DataMemory[SP];
RTI SP += 2; PC ← DataMemory[SP]; SP += 2; CCR ← DataMemory[SP];
Reset and Interrupt Operations Description
Reset PC ← {M[1], M[0]};
Interrupt DataMemory[SP] ← PC; SP -= 2; DataMemory[SP] ← CCR; SP -= 2; PC ← {M[3], M[2]};


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