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DG Christensen edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

A simple REST server can be created for any Zeidon project that can serve all LODs defined in the project. A .war file is created that can be deployed to any web container. There are two default REST projects. Include either one in your WAR build and deploy.

  1. zeidon-jaxrs: A Java project that uses standard JAX-RS annotations for designating end-points.
  2. zeidon-scalatra-rest: A Scala project that uses Scalatra for defining end-points.

See sample Zeidon app for examples on how to use these projects in your build.


Once deployed, any LOD can be activated with an HTTP get using the following URL:


Qualification is specified with either the qual or qualOi query param. qual specifies a simple JSON qualification and qualOi specifies a Zeidon qualification OI. An example of an activate using the Northwind sample application and curl:

curl -G --data-urlencode 'qual={
  "OrderId": 10248
}' http://localhost:8080/northwind-jaxrs-1.0/zeidon-api/Northwind/Order