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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.aggregate.AggregateValues lists a set of values and computes aggregate values.

This module is experimental.


org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.aggregate.AggregateValues lists a set of elements specified by entries, and computes a string value for each specified by key. org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.aggregate.AggregateValues computes aggregates functions specified by aggregators for each distinct value. The list of entry keys and their aggregate values are written into outFile


  	Counting words in the corpus:
      	<word-count class="AggregateValues">

## Parameters

<a name="entries">

### entries


Type: [[Expression|converter__alvisnlp.corpus.expressions.Expression]]

Expression evaluated from the corpus as a list of elements.

<a name="key">

### key


Type: [[Expression|converter__alvisnlp.corpus.expressions.Expression]]

Value of each entry. This expression is evaluated as a string from the entry element.

<a name="outFile">

### outFile


Type: [[TargetStream|converter__org.bibliome.util.streams.TargetStream]]

File where to write the result.

<a name="aggregators">

### aggregators

Default value: ``

Type: [[Aggregator[]|converter__org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.aggregate.Aggregator[]]]

Aggregate functions to compute for each value.

<a name="separator">

### separator

Default value: `	`

Type: [[Character|converter__java.lang.Character]]

Character that separates columns in the result file.
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