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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Selects most relevant keywords in documents.

This module is experimental.


org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.keyword.KeywordsSelector selects the most relevant keywords in documents. The candidate keywords are specified with keywords evaluated as a list of elements with the document as the context element. The keyword text is specified by keywordForm.

org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.keyword.KeywordsSelector ranks the keywords according to the scoreFunction function, then selects the keywordCount keywords with the highest value. The selected keywords are stored in the document feature keywordFeature, and the corresponding scores in scoreFeature.



Type: String

Document feature where to store the selected keywords.


Type: TargetStream


Type: String

Document feature where to store the score of selected keywords computed by scoreFunction.

Default value: UTF-8

Type: String

Default value: properties:@:id()

Type: Expression

Default value: nav:documents()

Type: Expression

Default value: 2147483647

Type: Integer

Number of keywords to select.

Default value: properties:@:form()

Type: Expression

Text of the keyword. This expression is evaluated as a string with the keyword element as the context.

Default value: nav:.(nav:sections(), nav:layer:words())

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a list of elements with the document as the context element. Each element represents a keyword of the document.

Default value: ABSOLUTE

Type: KeywordScoreFunction

Function to use for ranking keywords. Available functions include the keyword frequency, different variants of tf-idf and Okapi BM25.

Default value: 0.0

Type: Double

Default value:

Type: Character

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