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Protocol Type: Content Integrity

Moritz Bierling edited this page Apr 18, 2023 · 1 revision

This protocol type specifies what rules users are asked to adhere to when posting content.

Examples of this protocol type could be:

  • Journalist Interview v. 1.6.21
    • no quoting out of context
    • no leading questions
    • explicit context setting
    • disclosure of conflicts of interest (e.g. backers, funding, etc.)
    • avoid straw manning
  • Grammar Lover's Protocol 3.4...
    • Spell checked by ...
    • Grammar checked by Grammarly
    • copy edited by 2 eyes society
  • Physics Peer Review Protocol 10.5
    • Review by Physics MIT board
    • Review by independent Phycists of South America
    • Review by Astrologers Socienty of Australia
    • Review by Phrenologers Society of Antarctica
    • (this list not following Grammar Lovers Protocol X)
  • Censorship Protocol 37.5
    • checked against George Carlin's list of bad words
  • Attribution
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