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Results and Further old

Prajval M edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 1 revision


Comparison for Fq-PIE and PIE has been done in ns3 using a dumbbell topology with bottleneck as follows:

   10Mb/s, 2ms                            10Mb/s, 4ms
   n0--------------|                    |---------------n4
                   |    1.5Mbps, 20ms   |
      10Mb/s, 3ms  |  QueueLimit = 100  |    10Mb/s, 5ms
   n1--------------|                    |---------------n5

The same test case was used to simulate the Fq-PIE and PIE so as to get more truthful result and the cases were run many times to get a accurate value.

Test 1:

All the ClientHelpers(n0, n1) with TCP sockets installed

Test 2:

n0 with UDP and n1 with TCP. In this PIE failed miserably and due to not having enough size in the queue it dropped a lot of packets. Also this caused an error in PIE simulation and this case was suppressed to get the results.


  • Test Suite:
    • PASS : 251
    • SKIP : 3
    • FAIL : 0
    • CRASHED : 0
    • Valgrind Errors : 0
  • Only when there are TCP Packets in the network:
TCP Only
Random Drops 204 0
Queue limit Drops 0 0

  • When there are both TCP and UDP packets in the network:
Random Drops 3512 483
Queue limit Drops 454 0


  • Fq-PIE is a drastic increment over the already existing problem and handles the buffer bloat problem really well.
  • As comparision of Fq-PIE with other AQMs is not done it is currently not possible to compare its performance with others.
  • These results are only representative of how better FqPie is with respect to Pie.


  • Comparison with FqCodel and Codel is yet to be done as a test-suite could not be prepared.
  • CAKE implementation and comparison with FqPIE
  • Only Basic FQ-PIE has been implemented. A enhanced version can be used for better results. Enhanced PIE

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