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Weekly Progress

Sumukha Pk edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

Weekly Progress

Week 1 (September 29 - October 6)

  • Created github repository and added ns3 files.
  • Read about Queue Management and Bufferbloat problem.

Week 2 (October 7 - October 14)

  • Read about Active Queue Management (Random Early Detection).
  • Read RFC 8033 about PIE, added points to README (Later shifted to Wiki).
  • Read about Flow Queuing (links mentioned in README).
  • Read about FQ-CoDel and CoDel to understand the how FQ works.

Week 3 (October 14 - October 21)

  • Discussion with PhD scholar about further progress and clarified misconceptions about the protocols.
  • Trying to understand code of PIE and PIE-example.

Week 4 (October 22 - October 29)

  • Studied ns3 code of pie-example, pie-queue-disc, codel, fq-codel. Obtained a basic idea of how exactly the codes work and how exactly our part of the port must be executed (mentioned in readme).
  • Finding out ways to implement FQ-PIE.

Week 5 (October 30 - November 6)

  • Made changed in, fq-pie, and fq-pie-queue-disc.h.
  • Further todo - Make changes in fq-pie-queue-disc, cc and h. Fq-pie-example is completed. We can also implement other topologies that highlight the Flow queueing phenomenon.

Week 6 (November 7 - 10)

  • Basic skeleton of code completed (fq-pie-queue-disc {.h,.cc}, .
  • Further checks for logical errors is being done.

November 11

  • Completed files fq-pie-queue-disc {.h,.cc} in /src/traffic-control/model
  • Completed example of fq-pie in /src/traffic-control/examples
  • Testing is completed, provides excellent results when pitted against PIE.