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Downloading scripts from the community repository into Sporks

Craig Edwards edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Downloading and searching for scripts

The Sporks dashboard allows you to download scripts others have created and uploaded to a channel on the official support server. To do this follow the steps below:

Go to the script editor

Firstly choose a channel from the list of channels on your dashboard and choose the "Edit JavaScript" button. Within the editor, you will see a "Download Scripts" button as shown below which you should click.

Downloading scripts

Choose your script

Select the script you want to use from the list and click "Download" as highlighted on the image below:

Downloading scripts

Applying the script

You may instantly apply the script to your bot on the channel by choosing the "Apply Script" button as shown below. This will return you to the dashboard front page, with the script active and ready for use.

Downloading scripts

Contributing to the script repository

To contribute a script to the script repository, join our official server and locate the #sporks-repository channel. Once you have located this channel, upload your scripts. You should specify a description of your script within the message, and attach the script to the message as an attachment. If you are not sure, take a look at some of the other scripts in the channel. Please note that the repository channel is not for chatting in, and moderators and staff may remove any chat messages found in the repository channel. Once Sporks has found and uploaded your script to the public list, he will place a white check mark emoji (✅) as a reaction against your message to confirm it is now live.

Uploading and contributing scripts to the repository

Anybody can contribute a script to the repository with nothing but a discord account so long a you are not muted, banned, or otherwise restricted from accessing our support server. If you want to offer any support for your script, remember to put your discord details (e.g. an invite to a server) within your script's description.

Remember to check that your script runs and is usable before you submit it to the repository! This is a completely community run system, which succeeds or fails based upon the contributions from you, script developers!

Have fun!