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Global Functions

Craig Edwards edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 15 revisions

The following functions are always available within the code of your javascript event.

Table of Contents



Outputs any parameters to the bot's debug console. Generally, you won't want to use this unless being asked to troubleshoot a problem with the bot's developer.



When given a snowflake id as a string, representing a user on the current guild, this will return an object if that user can be found, containing the following fields:

field content
bot True if the author is a bot.
discriminator The user's discriminator value
username The user's username
nickname The user's nickname on the current guild, or an empty string if they have no nickname
avatar A hash representing the location of the user's avatar
id The user's snowflake unique id
mfa_enabled True if the user is using multi-factor authentication
mention A string that can be used to build a mention for the user
full_name A combination of the user's username, a hash symbol (#) and the discriminator



When given a full username as a string, representing a user on the current guild, this will return an object if that user can be found, containing the following fields. A full username is considered to be both the username and descriptor portion, separated by a hash symbol, e.g. "Brain#0001".

field content
bot True if the author is a bot.
discriminator The user's discriminator value
username The user's username
nickname The user's nickname on the current guild, or an empty string if they have no nickname
avatar A hash representing the location of the user's avatar
id The user's snowflake unique id
mfa_enabled True if the user is using multi-factor authentication
mention A string that can be used to build a mention for the user
full_name A combination of the user's username, a hash symbol (#) and the discriminator



When given the snowflake id as a string of a channel on the current guild, returns the details of that channel as an object, with the following fields in the returned value:

field content
dm True if the channel is a direct message channel. In all instances at present, this will be false
id The snowflake id of the channel
parent_id The snowflake id of the parent category
guild_id The guild id of the guild this channel exists on
name The name of the channel
type The type of the channel, 0 for text channel.
nfsw True if this channel is marked as NSFW



When given the name of a channel as a string of a channel on the current guild, returns the details of that channel as an object, with the following fields in the returned value:

field content
dm True if the channel is a direct message channel. In all instances at present, this will be false
id The snowflake id of the channel
parent_id The snowflake id of the parent category
guild_id The guild id of the guild this channel exists on
name The name of the channel
type The type of the channel, 0 for text channel.
nfsw True if this channel is marked as NSFW


create_message(snowflake_id, message_text)

Creates and sends a message to the channel given in snowflake_id. The snowflake id must be a string, all values given by other functions in the API are already string values, so no conversion should be neccessary.

There is a limit of 5 outbound messages at present, per inbound event.


create_embed(snowflake_id, embed_object)

Creates and sends an embed message to the given in snowflake_id. The snowflake id must be a string, all values given by other functions in the API are already string values, so no conversion should be neccessary.

There is a limit of 5 outbound messages at present, per inbound event.

The embed object is a complex object which is well documented on the discord API documentation page.


save(key, value)

When given both a key and a value as strings, the bot will save the value to a key/value store, which can later be retrieved using load() with that same key. Each guild has its own backing store, which is global to all channels upon that guild, so this provides a mechanism to pass persistent data between events and across channels.

There is a limit of 1024 maximum persistent keys that can be stored in the key/value store per guild, and a maximum size per value of 64 kilobytes.



When given a key as a string, attempts to load a value from the key/value store of the guild. If the key does not exist, an undefined value is returned.

There is a limit of 1024 maximum persistent keys that can be stored in the key/value store per guild, and a maximum size per value of 64 kilobytes.



When given a key name as a string, attempts to delete that key name from the key/value store of the guild. If the key does not exist, this function has no effect.


get(url, callback_function_name_string)

Retrieve a webpage via a HTTP GET request. The callback_function_name_string must be the name of a function defined in your script, and not an inline function, lambda, or similar. This is because in between you calling the get() function and the callback function, the entire state of the interpreter has been reset, so there is no position to call back to except by name. Here is an example of how to use this function:

    get("", "mycallback");
    function mycallback(data) {
        debuglog("received", data);

Within the callback, the objects guild, channel, and author are not defined, however CHANNEL_ID is and you can use find_channel on this to fetch channel information, or just message a channel directly as above. If you wish to save any other state, you should use the load() and save() functions.

The callback will be passed the raw text returned from the remote web service as its single parameter.

Note that web requests will be made via an anonymised secure network to protect your discord and the bot's operation against attacks, so some services may block your request. If this is the case and these services are important for your script, you should proxy these requests via a system within your own control on your own server.


post(url, postdata, callback_function_name_string)

Retrieve a webpage via a HTTP POST request, including some post data in the form you choose. The callback_function_name_string must be the name of a function defined in your script, and not an inline function, lambda, or similar. This is because in between you calling the get() function and the callback function, the entire state of the interpreter has been reset, so there is no position to call back to except by name. Here is an example of how to use this function:

        JSON.stringify({"guess_what":"teapot","guess_where":"over there"}),
    function mycallback(data) {
        create_message(CHANNEL_ID, "here's what i got back: ", data);

Within the callback, the objects guild, channel, and author are not defined, however CHANNEL_ID is and you can use find_channel on this to fetch channel information, or just message a channel directly as above. If you wish to save any other state, you should use the load() and save() functions.

The callback will be passed the raw text returned from the remote web service as its single parameter.

Note that web requests will be made via an anonymised secure network to protect your discord and the bot's operation against attacks, so some services may block your request. If this is the case and these services are important for your script, you should proxy these requests via a system within your own control on your own server.



Immediately ends the current script and yields back to the rest of the bot. This can be used in place of return at the top level of the script, as within the script at the top level you are not within a function and otherwise cannot end execution voluntarily.


add_reaction(channel_id, message_id, reaction_string)

Add a reaction to a message. The reaction string should be in the form :emojiname:snowflake-id, e.g. :sporks_2019:646281600182648842.


delete_reaction(channel_id, message_id, reaction_string)

Delete a reaction from a message. The reaction string should be in the form :emojiname:snowflake-id, e.g. :sporks_2019:646281600182648842.

Note that this can only currently remove reactions the bot itself set on messages due to the permissions of the bot not allowing management of other user's reactions as standard.