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Craig Edwards edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 6 revisions

You can place specific key words into the responses of the bot, known as variables. Each of these is contained within angle brackets, "<>", and will be replaced with specific values. For example, if your nickname was "Brain" and a reply in Sporks said "<who>, its raining today" then when the bot actually replies, the reply would be: "Brain, its raining today".

The supported variables are:

Variable Meaning
<who> the nickname (not as a mention) of the user talking to the bot.
<me> the bot's current nickname.
<random> the nickname (not as a mention) of a random user on the current discord server. *
<date> the date the bot learned the fact it is responding with
<now> the current date and time.
<list:(comma separated list)> Select one response from a comma separated list, e.g. <list:apple,orange,pear> will return one of apple, orange or pear. Other variables may be values in the list.
<sequence> Returns the number of messages spoken by the user
<s> Insert a literal pipe symbol ("|")
<br> Insert a line break
  • Random response
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