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cxd4 edited this page Apr 10, 2016 · 3 revisions


totalday is the game code's identifier for the current day number.


  • zs $filepath -D -- Prints the current value from the file data.
  • zs $filepath -D (int32_t) -- Interprets the extra string parameter as a whole number (any base) and stores the resulting integer to the relevant bits, if said integer falls within the range of values representable by a sign-extended word in MIPS (-0x80000000 <= x <= +0x7FFFFFFF).

Tested Inputs

zs $filepath "-@ 2" -D 1 # The First Day (owl statue for File 1)
zs $filepath "-@ 2" -D 2 # The Second Day (owl statue for File 1)
zs $filepath "-@ 2" -D 3 # The Final Day (owl statue for File 1)
zs $filepath "-@ 4" -D 4 # "A New Day" (owl statue for File 2)
zs $filepath "-@ 4" -D 0 # interpreted as The First Day, but 24 hours extra


Some other values have been tested but are unstable (particularly, seem to crash the game if they are negative). When creating a brand new, empty game file, the day and time seem to be set to 0 at directly before 8 AM in the morning. Having the day number set to 0 can cause the Happy Mask man to tell you that there are as many as 96 hours remaining, instead of 72 hours remaining. Normally though, even when forcing this value with a GameShark cheat, the game will still regularly check to replace the effect of -D 0 with -D 1 after hitting Clock Town and treat it as the same thing as The First Day instead.

This field of the save data seems to be ignored and replaced by the game when loading the file data, unless it was saved by an owl statue which does need to remember the exact day and time to pick up the game off at. This requirement applies also to modifying the exact time of day.

Relevant Bits


Derived Cheat Codes

GameShark ROM Version
JAP (1.0)
JAP (1.1)
USA (preview)
EUR (1.0)
EUR (1.1)
EUR (debug)
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