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Sébastien LUCAS edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 22 revisions

Jade + Angular

Jade documentation

Jade online converter

Extends, mixins, include

Option -P to have pretty indented html
-o to defined the output directory

jade -P -o /SEB/www/pernod/proto home1.jade

To watch the changes of a file

jade -P --watch -o /SEB/www/pernod/proto home1.jade 

As we only put one file, it will not watch the change of included files

JADE Syntax

  • How to have a for loop to generate a number of element
  - for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    #post + i
  - }

Note the - sign that tell jade that it's not html but javascript code

  • How to print a dynamic class or id name
  - for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    -var id=[ 'post' + i]
    div(id=id) Lorem ispsum
  - }

We defined a javascript variable : -var id=[ 'post' + i]
Than then is used in the id definition : -var id=[ 'post' + i]

  • Non intuitive solution for input checkbox
  | Check me please !

We can't do

input.checkbox(type='checkbox') Check me please !

Because input html element can't have child because they are self closing See

Generation in command line

  • How to automatically watch a set of jade file for changes
jade --watch -P -o /SEB/www/pernod/proto *.jade

Disable attribute mirroring

Variable scope

A variable is defined in the includes For extend it's a bit more complicated. When you defined variables in the file which is extended (directly of in included) files. This variables will be defined in its scope. If in the extended files you define block (which is necessary to taka advantage of extend awesomeness), in you file that is extended this base file, the variables would not be defined.

The solution to solve this problem!topic/jadejs/M8WaRKNpcPk
(and don't oblige to repeat yourself by redefining variable serveral times is To create a block var in the layout to be extended, as hight in the html as possible. Pass to this block some vars which be used by other blocks

WIKI by Sébastien Lucas CEO & Funder or Bricks

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