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Sébastien LUCAS edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 13 revisions
$ rsync -avz /root/temp/ [email protected]:/home/thegeekstuff/temp/

Interesting options

-a copy owner -o - permission -p and -g group -rlptgoD
to juste synchronise files but allow different permission, owner and group set -rltD

r recursive
l -l, --links copy symlinks as symlinks
-t, --times preserve modification times
-D same as --devices --specials
-g, --group
-o, --owner
-k transform symlinks in source directory to plain directory in destination (used by drush rsync)

  • so to copy permission but not the owner and group Useful when rsyncing from a mac and having different user and group on the local mac, and the remote server rltDp

  • To Exclude a bunch of files, use exclude-from directive

How the order is interpreted
How is the syntax

exclude files

Ainsi, si je backupe “/home/jeff/”, “/” ne correspond pas réellement à “/”, mais à “/home/jeff/”. Conséquemment, si je veux exclure “/home/jeff/src”, il faut que je lui dise d’exclure “/src” plutôt.

WIKI by Sébastien Lucas CEO & Funder or Bricks

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