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Twig recipes

sinsunsan edited this page Oct 31, 2014 · 7 revisions

Send variables to the base template with extends

{% set responsive = true %}

need to be set in the template which extends another template. It could be placed at the top of the file, and it's scope will be valid in the entire file, even in the blocks. If you place it in a block it should be before the parent() called

{% block before_wrapper %}
    {% set responsive = true %}
    {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}`

How to define a wrapper block

Block that contain other blocks are allawed. However, to refine if (not using parent()) you need to put it in at least the definition of child block, because in this case, it's not automatically outputed.

{% block main %}
<div class="big-wrapper">
    {% block content %}
   My content
    {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
<div class="simple-wrapper">
    {% block content %}
    {{ parent() }}
    {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

How to have a if with multiple conditions

Interpolate a yaml string with a normal string

meta.title_suffix is a string which is stored in a yaml file
trans({}, 'WeCook') is the translation fonction
{} mean the content of the identifier meta.title_suffix
WeCook is the symphony bundle or main app where the translation file is
#{} is the syntaxe to interpolate a string in a ""
so you could write "what you want #{myvariable} is nice"
{% set title = "Nouveautés #{'meta.title_suffix'|trans({},'WeCook')} " %}

Debug the value of a variable

In screen

{{ myvar }}

With a debug

{{ dump(deprecated_lib) }}

The later method is more convenient

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