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Sébastien LUCAS edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 7 revisions

Changing the locale * change display language * Change national convention (first day of week for example)


Get the last monday, the monday one week ago... Monday is 1 Sunday is 6 Previous week monday is -6


  • The previous monday from the 29/02/2016
"Mon Jan 25 2016 11:17:29 GMT+0100"

We were the friday 29 at 11:17:29, so moment took the monday at the same time

  • The monday one week before

Week number > Date conversion

  • Date > Week number Exact conversion

Exemple the 29 january

  • Week > Date Take the current date and convert it to its equivalent in a give week of the year
Fri Mar 11 2016 11:11:10 GMT+0100 (CET)

WIKI by Sébastien Lucas CEO & Funder or Bricks

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