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2019 04 23

Andre Merzky edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 1 revision
  • Jumana graduated! Wohoo!

  • Princeton:

    • different new use cases possible
    • medical imaging
    • use special purpose WF systems
      • slurm specific
      • no fault tolerance, which is important for them
      • very short running tasks
    • adaptivity is useful to them
    • tiger, later summit
  • Vivek:

    • ENTK PRs
    • suspend / resume
      • should be released?
      • needs unit + integration test
      • unit tests are still missing (TODO VB)
    • some work needed on test framework
  • Srinivas:

    • suspend / resume works! :-)
    • close to async impl
    • working on paper
  • Hyungro:

    • improving code coverage for EnTK, focus on exceptions
    • message based use cases in RP (RCT)
      • currently still using file system (maybe HDF5?)
  • Ioannis:

    • running experiments
    • proposal
    • TODO: planned for ICEBERG presentation: (stack, scope, ...) (after paper)
  • Matteo:

    • CISC paper came back
    • Software-X
    • Ioannis Paper
  • Raffael

    • hyperparameter optimizer
    • use case: Arvind, chemistry?
  • Andre:

    • lm testing / prrte
    • branch sync over all repos
  • Aymen

    • paper
    • experiments: EnTK pipelines
      • tiling
      • feature extraction / keypoint generations
      • filtering
    • cuda programming
  • open TODOs:

    • TODO AM, MT: May 7: prepare proposal discussion / brain storm
    • TODO: Frontera: discuss our use case with TACC (Tim Cockerill, Bill Barth)
      • first get early access
    • TODO AM: account for Amarel
    • TODO IP: check on Bridges-AI
    • TODO Aymen: QCG-Pilot capabilities
    • TODO AM, MT: compare QCG-Pilot architecture, structure, API
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