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2020 01 28.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Jan 28, 2020 · 3 revisions
  • Aymen: Py3, RP

    • localhost has only 8 cores
    • DONE AYMEN: open ticket
    • TODO AM: introduce fake mode (different than debug mode)
  • RA: release once analysis of all summit sessions works

  • Py3 RP + RE

    • no json file created
    • TODO HL: reproducer
  • February release

    • DONE: faster descriptions
      • TODO AM: open SO / Reddit question?
      • TODO AM: measure serialization
    • DONE AM: rename RM -> Resource Manager
    • no other PRs
    • TODO Feb 4: features for March release
  • TODO AM: slack plugin for github

  • Tickets:

  • Abdullah @ Amarel:

    • earth sciences
    • get RCT @ Amarel w/o AM having access :-)
  • Documentation:

    • RP: incremental fix on docs and tutorials
    • TODO: integrate examples as travis test
    • TODO MT/AM: travis debug for PTY
  • RCT.v2:

    • 1 month for design document, still needs some cleanup
    • evaluate incremental vs. new code base
  • TODO AGENDA: re-discuss configuration system

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