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How to add new Dataset

Kantemir Tvorogov edited this page Aug 8, 2023 · 1 revision

How to add new Dataset

At first, we will describe how to create a regular dataset. For datasets with special parameters, see the information below

  1. Select required drug programme in the Drug Programmes section.
  2. Click Add in the Clinical Study Data Sets section to add a new dataset.
  3. Enter Dataset ID for a new dataset into the Search field and click Search.(Dataset ID should be which not exist)
  4. If no dataset was found, Add New button appears. Click the button.
  5. The next step allows a user to configure a new dataset. Here a user can set the following dataset parameters:
  • Drug ID - Any drug programme
  • Dataset ID - Any
  • Dataset name -Any
  • Clinical study code -Any
  • Clinical study name -Any
  • Study phase - Any
  • Dataset study type - Any
  • Dataset study delivery model -Any
  • Planned date for first subject in - any date in the past
  • Planned date of database lock - any date in the future
  • Primary source folder -Any Leave empty Set the parameters and click Next
  1. The next step allows a user to map source clinical data into the system. User can import mapping as .csv file by clicking Import or add mapping manually. For add mapping manually click
  • Add to add one mapping. Pop-up window appear
  • Select Data type - select required data type from the drop-down list;
  • Select radio button "I will enter the file path manually" and enter path manually (Depending on ACUITY version, a file could be stored in Azure file storage (azure-file://acuitydata/..) or on local storage (/usr/local/patientdata/))
  1. The next step allows a user to specify the way baseline values are calculated in ACUITY, if this way should differ from the common one. User can miss it and press Next button
  2. The next step allows a user to map labcode decoding information other than AZ RAW. User can miss it and press Next button
  3. The next step allows a user to exclude some values from the visualization, if required. User can miss it and press Next button
  4. The next step allows a user to group sets of subjects that may be of special interest in current dataset. User can miss it and press Next button
  5. The next step allows a user to perform the following actions with sets of subjects that were recently grouped:
  • Assign to a specific type of cohort;
  • Annotate with additional information. User can miss it and press Next button
  1. The next step allows a user to select custom adverse events and/or lab groupings to use them in visualizations. User can miss it and press Next button
  2. The next step allows a user to select subject groupings that will be used in the visualizations. User can miss it and press Next button
  3. The next step allows a user to select genomic profiles to be used for the Genomic Profile visualization. User can miss it and press Next button
  4. Select "I confirm that above data ..." and press Finish button
  5. Check that data is loaded
  • Select the dataset in Clinical Study Data Sets and press View data load report
  • Or run Scheduler , find your dataset and check the status
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